Hi. Im very happy right now with smart launcher. But I would like something fully open source. I want something minimal, but that allows me to have desktop pictures, because I make my own wallpapers.

Also it would be good to create folders or apo categories.

Thank you.

  • Fennecx
    13 years ago

    As someone who is new to the FOSS world, what does an app launcher do and what makes one better than another?

    • @Miso@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      An app launcher is basically your homescreen on an android smartphone. They are different in design and have sometimes different features like the KISS Launcher which has a search bar and doesn’t have any apps on the page itself. If you have an androur smartphone you can just try one and see if it feels better to you. I really enjoy the KISS Launcher too

      • sonido bonito
        23 years ago

        +1 Kiss Launcher. Search is by far the best way to interact with any OS, including phone.