• poVoq
    43 years ago

    Some good and some bad advise, but don’t fall for the anti-virus shilling. The author works for SophosLabs and the article is hidden advertisement for anti-virus software.

    Most anti-virus are snake-oil that increase and not decrease your risk and many are also collecting and selling your private data.

    • Helix 🧬B
      23 years ago

      Most home users need Antivirus, though, since they don’t know how to administrate their PC properly. Many download random stuff from the internet and don’t think twice about executing, in fact they happily click away all warnings multiple times.

      • poVoq
        23 years ago

        An up to date Windows with Windows Defender is sufficient for that though… or rather no amount of anti-virus is going to solve that problem.

        In addition there have been several documented attacks that specifically used anti-virus features like automatic scanning of email attachments that would have been impossible without this additional software with deep system access.