I want to record my screen while I talk, but I would like to distort my voice like they do in the anonymous videos, to retain my anonymity. How can I do that? I’d rather not use a TTS engine as it would be difficult to synchronize the sound with the video of the screen. I just want to distort my voice enough so that people close to me couldn’t tell it’s me, assuming they aren’t experts and manage to reverse the voice distortion. And how do I share the video online without leaking my IP?

And, in a not so private way, what about real time streaming? I’ve seen a person who changed his voice and image so that it seemed as if Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy was talking to you.

  • @questions@lemmy.ml
    -22 years ago

    All of you think you can just start a revolution and then get free shit.

    I’m here to tell you that’s not how it works.

    You need to grow a pair and work hard.

    Look at me I’m 36 years old and own 3 gyms. My girlfriend is a model. This is her.

    I worked hard for everything I have. I started with nothing and look at me now. Super fit, big tited girl friend and I’m not looking for hand outs.

    You all need to learn from me. You might not be as handsome so maybe you can’t have a Asian girl friend with big boobs but if you work hard at least you can have a girl friend. Probably.

    Revolution or not life ain’t easy. Be like me.

    • @FckTheNSA@lemmy.mlOP
      12 years ago

      You are talking about revolution when I’m talking about streaming… Glad you are not at the CIA killing revolutionaries… As for your girlfriend you might as well post a picture of a mannequin the way you talk about her.