This should help us cut down on the trolls. We recommend other instances do the same, because they will likely be targeted also.

I apologize for all their gore-posts as well, no one should have to see that. We’ll try to look for more admins from different time-zones as well to get them faster.

The two other possibilities we have currently as options, are turning on required email verification, and as a last resort, closing signups. I personally would rather not do either, but they are options.

Many thanks to and for banning those trolls.

    03 years ago

    Now is not the time for it. Probably after Reddit goes public and crashes into an endless void, when the influx of users come here, after that phase things might change a lot. Lemmy needs to grow and become more significant in the mainstream.

    A platform that forcibly asks for emails or other identifiers is suicide at this stage for a platform that also advocates FOSS, federation, modlog transparency and great civillity. Reddit does not do it, and there is still a lot of meaning to the anonymity they provide, despite being a giant platform.

        03 years ago

        I have not needed to allow Facebook or other 3rd party domains with Reddit, so I am unsure. Same goes with keyloggers. Keylogging and 3rd party tracking is a problem for people who use Chrome without ad blockers. Anyone who uses any half decent adblocker (even ABP) or Firefox does not have these issues.

          13 years ago

          I use Vivaldi (Chromium) and also don’t have problems with this. But this has nothing to do with the joke that Reddit is anonymous, it’s less anonymous than FB, they are sites which I avoid out of principle and mental hygiene.

            13 years ago

            Reddit is less anonymous than Facebook? U WOT M8? I have not seen that being true at all.

            Reddit does not mandate email, government IDs, phone numbers for account creation, usernames are all anonymous, no photo posting, also allows 3rd party FOSS clients liberally. See what Instagram did to Barinsta.

              3 years ago

              They don’t need your name to track and identify you. Se tracking tecnics used in Big Tech sites. TowerData log everything you post there, using it to profile you, Aso MS, FB uses pixelAPIs, Google geolocations and compare datas from other sites you visit which use Google APIs and analytics, also from Alphabet and NEST, also Google companies. Reddit is the oposit of Lemmy in anonymity. Instagram and WhatsApp naturally have nothing to do with anonymity or privacy, none of the Zuckerbot sites respect this. Look in the Browserleaks and see what Data can be seen by a website if they want and if you don’t use a protection more than ad/trackerblocker. (Datas shown in my case are all wrong or N/D, only true that I live in Spain (if I don’t use a VPN) and don’t use a Touchscreen. But it has needed a lot of settings which a normal user don’t do or not even knows.

                03 years ago

                I know numerous cross site tracking techniques. This is not how tracking works. Keyloggers need to have JS scripts directly running, which uBO blocks. Same goes for cookies, which get erased upon each browser session, so this is meaningless. Cookies need to persist across sessions to do what you say.

                Blacklight detected scripts belonging to the companies Alphabet, Inc., Neustar, Inc. and TowerData, Inc…

                These scripts have to run in the first place, which is largely also blocked by Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection.

                uBlock Origin is like a condom to use internet at this point.

                  13 years ago

                  In Vivaldi this is also blocked by the inbuild ad and trackerblocker (same filters as uBO and more.). But how much user know this? The most use Chrome or Edge, using FF because they think it’s the most secure, but searching with Google (default in FF, which also send data to Alphabet (Google).

                  Now Google try another dirty trick with the Trending API to profile the user, same as with Idle and FLoC before.

                  While surveillance advertising is legal to create revenue for these companies, there is not going to be a truly free internet and a permanent war between Google & co and developers who remove these attempts from the users which take privacy seriously. Cookies since time ago are not a problem, tracking and profiling the user are much more sofisticated, there are pixel tracking, fingerprint, CSS exfill, CDN, among others, even scripts to access cam, mic, keyboard and mouse. Worse in mobile.

                    13 years ago

                    I think working against the Chromium/Blink monopoly is very important. Outside of Firefox, browsers with a configurable user.js and userchrome.css does not exist in Chromium land.

                    Chromium is also not a base for Tor Browser or TailsOS browser and is too leaky. Also gorhill, uBO and uMatrix maker, recommends Firefox over Chromium/Blink browsers.