I currently only use PostmarketOS on my Pinephone CE and PineTab. On the Pinephone CE I find I can sometimes go from a full charge to 50% or less within 4-5 hours which is keeping it from being my daily driver. I know this is still being worked on but for anyone who has used PostmarketOS on other devices, is there a phone you could recommend that would give me about 11 hours of life between charges ? My main uses are FluffyChat; Tootle and light web browsing ? I usually use Phosh if that matters.

  • @fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    it seems to be that postmarketos does not use deep sleep for the pinephone. See this reddit post:

    I switched from PM to Mobian. That increased my battery life from 12 hrs to 24+hrs.

    and the answer to that:

    The reason for this - which OP might also care about - is, that postmarketOS currently does not make use of the Crust firmware, which would put the phone into deep sleep. So the phone runs on full performance until the battery dies eventually. Like if you would connect your PC to a battery this won’t hold up long.

    What Crust does is to shut down all unnecessary devices when the phone is unattended, even the CPU. The downside of it is that it has to be fine-tuned properly to make sure that calls and messages still can be received reliable, which is likely what the postmarketOS devs are still working on. For details I recommend to look at https://github.com/crust-firmware/crust.


    So that means, you could figure out how deep sleep works on mobian and port that to postmarketos

    • @fruechtchen@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      also, notice:

      1. the above reddit link is 1 year old. which is a lot in pinephone development.
      2. you might run outdated firmware which could also increase battery live if updated
      3. the above reddit link says that with postmarketos they got 12 hrs battery life, so it might be that some other programs on your device decrease the battery life massively?