• Edge cases exist in everything, but when you google “crypto” do you get shitcoins and eventual pump and dumps or do you get information and a tool to liberate yourself somehow? You get the former. You can bring out any number of single cases where it’s benefited somebody in a way that lets them perform some task or create some value, but you know you’re being dishonest if you say that’s where the majority of money pumped into crypto goes or even where the majority of it’s usecases comes from.

    • overflow
      2 years ago

      who cares what other people use it for what matters is that it’s valuable to me so that I can send money to whomever I want to and preserve my purchasing power

      • @rysiek@szmer.info
        42 years ago

        How’s that “purchasing power” being preserved on the roller-coaster that cryptocurrencies are.

        • overflow
          -42 years ago

          look at the value of all the world’s poorest countries currencies’ compared to btc