• Helix 🧬B
        22 years ago

        Weeb 3 is people buying NFTs of their favourite Overwatch character rule34 artist who alao happens to be a girl they simp about.

  • overflow
    2 years ago

    now do all the banks that have ever been hacked, all countries that have ever experienced hyperinflation, all small businesses that have had their accounts frozen become some algorithm flagged their account as suspicious, all instances of persons/countries being shut off from the banking system by governments whether or not you agree with the reasoning behind the ban and all the human rights violations that occur for us to get precious metals and other commodities

    • The issue is you see the issues in the current monetary system and you want to “innovate” the issues away. This is not possible. It’s not the technology backing the economic system that’s an issue, it’s the economic system as a whole, and this doesn’t represent any real innovation that couldn’t be accomplished any other way in any practical sense. It’s just a techbro veil thrown over the same speculative assets that have been nothing but get rich quick schemes and contribute no real value or “freedom” for anybody.

        • It may find adoption in the third world by bourgeois states and those looking to bypass Amerikkkan restrictions (like Cuba and Venezuelan citizens under isolation forced by the U.S.), but that’s because there’s loopholes in legislation that won’t exist forever. The earth burning currency has no application for the first world, and it only has limited application for the third world because of the economic system that crypto will entrech even further. This isn’t a real solution to anything except making yourself rich off of systems that regular people don’t understand


          • @sproid@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            What do you mean by ?

            earth burning currency

            I am an environmentalist but if you are implying bitcoin is bad because it consumes too much energy I suggest you read some of the articles about comparing it to current banking system.

            • Banks and capitalist businesses accelerate environmental damage despite overwhelming world public opinion being that scaling back and tackling climate change is really important, so no this isn’t a defense of banking and capital etc, I’m saying this is an especially terrible outgrowth of that. If you really think comparing banking and bitcoin’s energy use is possible, useful, or worth doing though, it’s not, because bitcoin money transaction stuff and all the money being pumped into it pushing up the total required computing exponentially is by the same freaks who take out trillions in naked shorts at the expense of actual material production or print most of the world’s fiat currency in the past two years so keep their shit afloat. Bitcoin is bad because it’s an extension of that terribleness and not an escape from it, even if it somehow wasn’t being used by speculative rich people it would just run into the same issues as real life capitalistic currencies and create a new different class based system.

          • overflow
            2 years ago

            “bourgeois states” what Congress cannot pass any law that can stop the bitcoin protocol from allowing any transactions. It has the same use both in the first world and the third world the preservation of purchasing power also all cryptocurrencies do not use proof of work. Crypto has no bearing on any economic system. How is it making me rich if I don’t speculate with crypto and actually use it to purchase goods and services

            • @rysiek@szmer.info
              72 years ago

              It has the same use both in the first world and the third world

              Correct. The use is speculation and scamming people out of their money. There is some secondary use to go around some sanctions, I’m sure the Russian oligarchs also appreciate that.

              • overflow
                2 years ago

                are you illiterate does it like look any of the persons in the articles I linked are speculating to you/scamming others

                • @rysiek@szmer.info
                  92 years ago

                  are you illiterate

                  What is it with you and ad hominems?

                  does it like look any of the persons in the articles I linked are speculating to you/scamming others

                  No, you successfully cherry-picked a few that don’t. That’s why I said “there is some secondary use to go around some sanctions.”

            • Bourgeois states are those controlled by a bourgeois class, this is an umbrella term for all non-socialist countries. Also yes, the government of the United States could outlaw cryptocurrency and make adoption impossible for 99%, but they never will because it’s in their (rich people) interests. For you, a regular person, being able to send money using math and a year’s worth of car emissions has no real or tangible benefit for anything except maybe buying drugs. For a rich person, cryptocurrency is speculative assets that can be assigned arbitrary values and used to dodge taxes and cook books, make contracts last forever and when the terms become unfair say “oh well”.

              What I’m saying is that the issues crypto enthusiasts say will be fixed won’t be fixed because the class politics in economy are not addressed by cryptocurrency. Crypto is just intangible assets that can be assigned arbitrary values and traded, which is called a speculative asset, and those have existed for a very long time and have revolutionized nothing. If crypto actually benefited regular people like you and me more than it benefited rich people it would have been killed in the cradle like anything genuinely liberatory in the 1st world.

              • overflow
                -42 years ago

                There is no such thing as a socialist country even Cuba recognizes private property see their latest constitution.Who cares what the US government does it matters zero they cannot stop people from sending btc to each other even if they tried to slaugther everyone in zimbabwe and other repressive states they try to do exactly that just replace btc with usd and the people still refuse to use their national currencies and have you considered that I and other people don’t live in the US shocking I know but it’s true. Yeah it has tangible benefit I’m able to freely send currency to whomever I feel like for whatever purpose.You do realize rich people have dodged taxes for centuries and write unfair contracts , right? They don’t need crypto to do that and there’s nothing in this life that benefits only poor people nor is it relevant if it benefits rich people what does the guy in Nigeria who’s been blocked from the banking system because he protested against government repression care if some people speculate on the asset I sent him

                • There is no such thing as a socialist country even Cuba recognizes private property see their latest constitution

                  Oh damn I’ll let their communist party know, I guess when material conditions dictate that the socialist party at the helm of government should go one way in order to help development and help the people it’s bad, they should actually stick to idealism and keep doing the same thing over and over again until it all falls apart or something.

                  Also I think you’re maybe starting to get the gist of what I’m saying about crypto, when you’re older you might understand that it’s overall effect on society is bad and cringe.

      • overflow
        2 years ago

        okay then add in all blockchains that have never had downtime, all defi applications that have helped persons in developing/developed countries alike that have never had bugs and all persons who have benefitted from having a currency that can never be devalued by any central bank and can be sent to anywhere in the world with mandatory/optional privacy for just a few cents

    • @rysiek@szmer.info
      2 years ago

      No no, @sexy_peach@feddit.de did the web3 stuff, if you want to prove your point, provide a link similar like the one in the post about it. Why should anyone do your homework for you?

      Should be easy-peasy. Can’t wait.

      • overflow
        -22 years ago

        My point was that just like how bad stuff happens in the traditional finance world and no one with a working brain would say that it’s all bad the same standard should apply to crypto

        • @rysiek@szmer.info
          42 years ago

          My point is that you’re comparing an unregulated scam-infested free-for-all with a regulated industry that has audit requirements from here to Pluto.

          You’re trying to make it seem as if the banking system is as bad as cryptocurrency/NFT/web3 scene. It’s not, not by a long shot. It’s far from perfect, obviously, but that’s like saying “hey let’s all drink gasoline; it gives you a hell of a kick, and you can die of drinking regular water anyway too”.

          • overflow
            -12 years ago

            yes because bankers using their customer’s funds to speculate then losing it all having to be bailed out by the government using taxpayer’s funds isn’t horrible, having your purchasing power be devalued by central banks isn’t horrible, having your account frozen because of some faulty algorithm isn’t horrible and being blocked from the financial system because the government said so isn’t horrible

            • @rysiek@szmer.info
              32 years ago

              No, all of these things are horrible. But also none of these things is solved by cryptocurrencies/NFTs/web3.

              • overflow
                2 years ago

                crypto with strong monetary policy can never be minted by a tiny minority

                no one can stop you from receiving funds

                no one can stop you from borrowing/lending using a defi protocol even if the developers add checks to the front end you can always just use your own front end

                you can vote on the direction of monetary policy in crypto

                you can vote on the direction of defi protocols

                you can send funds to anyone in the world for a few cents

                if you don’t like the direction a crypto is going in you can fork it and go your own way