Insulting or attacking other users, even so much saying “fuck you”, “fuck [this group of people]”, “you’re an idiot” or anything like that while debating IS against the rules of This goes for every political view, you DO NOT get free passes no matter if you’re leftist, rightist, communist, anarchist, liberal, etc. If you’re confident of your position you should be able to debate in a civil manner without cursing someone else out. I understand that debates can get heated and frustrating, hell I’ve debated with a good bunch of users, but you can still express that without resorting to name calling or insults.

Check the modlog, we HAVE removed replies of this nature from every political view, and even if we don’t say it every time, we DO keep track of both removals per user and general behaviour even if it doesn’t get removed, and too many infractions WILL result in a ban.

That said, it is NOT against the rules to present countering facts or opinions, or to have political opinions in general. Don’t report comments for “being pro communist” or “being pro China” unless they have broken an actual rule, namely the ones about being civil. Don’t attack or insult people from Lemmygrad just because they’re from Lemmygrad or they’re arguing for Marxism-Leninism or supporting a country you don’t. If they’re presenting their points in a civil manner (which had been the case for almost everyone from Lemmygrad), you can either read it and respond in kind with your questions or counterpoints, or just move on. People coming over from other instances is not brigading if they’re mostly being civil, that’s the whole point of federation.

Things people disagree with getting down voted is also acceptable, it’s not considered an attack on you if your comment has a negative score, and it doesn’t even significantly affect the ranking because of the relatively low comment volumes currently on Lemmy. It’s just imaginary internet points, relax.

  • DessalinesM
    122 years ago

    The votes are really more about helping sort popular / unpopular content more that anything, so emojis wouldn’t help with that.

    Without scores or voting, its back to the days of forums where you have to scroll through hundreds of pages to find something decent.

    • Ninmi
      2 years ago

      I should mention that I’m only against comment voting. It makes sense for the content itself, but in discourse it only leads to fights of wits.

      -12 years ago

      to find something decent.

      What does decent mean? Something popular? Or something with quality content and comments?

      • DessalinesM
        122 years ago

        All three I suppose? Here’s an example from xdadevelopers of what dealing with old-school forums is like. A 17-page thread of people trying to discover the best practices / things to do for battery life. Without any scoring or voting, you have to read through hundreds of replies.

        Some threads have thousands of comments, going through each of them to find what’s good might take days.

          • DessalinesM
            122 years ago

            For the most part. If you have a thread of 10k comments, would you rather read through each of them individually, or have them be sorted by collective preference?

              2 years ago

              That’s not at all what I’m talking about. I argue that using votes as “likes”, instead of how the Reddiquette originally meant it, is a bad idea for the very reason you are stating. Sorting by popularity is not going to highlight the best solution or argument, but the most popular one.

              • DessalinesM
                132 years ago

                How do you dictate how people use preference buttons? They’re going to use them however they see fit, and that’s a good thing.

                And how do you find good content without some sort of collective preference? Any site should be able to answer this question: you have a thread with 10k comments, what’s the best way to sort them so that users don’t have to read every comment?

                  -52 years ago

                  How do you dictate how people use preference buttons?

                  Why do you want to dictate it?

                  They’re going to use them however they see fit, and that’s a good thing.

                  If that’s a good thing is the very thing we argue about right now. I disagree that this is a good thing. Especially if you mean that everybody should any system however they like, instead of how it is supposed to be used. If everyone uses any system differently, be it a 5 star system, or upvotes/downvotes, the system is not going to show what people think it shows, but a mix of all interpretations mangled into a number.

                  If half of the people use “3 stars” for an average product, but the other half uses “5 stars” for an average product, the rating is off for both halfs. It’s the same with rating the delivery. If the rating system is meant for the product only, using it for other reasons distorts the result of that system.

                  I hope you can see what I mean.

                  And how do you find good content without some sort of collective preference?

                  As I said elsewhere in this thread: By having a metric that shows how well written and thought through an argument is. You don’t have to “like” what is written or said, but you can acknowledge the quality of the argument.

                  what’s the best way to sort them so that users don’t have to read every comment?

                  Depends on what your goal is: Do you want users to read what they LIKE to read? Then you go for likes/dislikes, so what people want to read most is always at the top, creating a filter bubble, also called an echo chamber.

                  If you want to encourage quality discussion, where arguments are higher rated than emotional replies, then you should not do that.

                  • DessalinesM
                    102 years ago

                    By having a metric that shows how well written and thought through an argument is. You don’t have to “like” what is written or said, but you can acknowledge the quality of the argument.

                    How would you implement this? Because if its by user preference, then you’re back to step one, except you’re dictating how a user should use their preference button. And if its by something strange like comment length, AI’s reading comments, then all of those can be easily gamed

      • DessalinesM
        82 years ago

        Then you’d have to assign numbers for the different reactions (otherwise how would you compare a heart to a poo emoji ) and we’re back to where we started.

          • DessalinesM
            72 years ago

            So sorting by total reactions, regardless of if they’re negative or not? That sounds like a way to bring some disliked things to the top.

              • DessalinesM
                92 years ago

                But then you’ve just taken away a method for people to express their dislike of something.

                • Lenins2ndCat
                  02 years ago

                  In my experience the only thing that removing downvotes changed in sorting was that it prevents users from suppressing the extremely shit posts. The sorting of the middle and high end of both comments and posts ends up almost identical.

                  The worst posts that would have received a tonne of downvotes are also almost always something that moderation would agree with removing entirely.

                  This tradeoff comes with the benefits of eliminating all the psychological issues that occur.

                  BUT, Lemmy can’t go down this road imo as it would no longer be a reddit clone if it didn’t have the downvote. My general opinion is that the downvote hurts conversation, creates circlejerks, hurts the way people see one another, and creates a mindset of writing a comment for the audience to “win” the interaction instead of writing a comment for the recipient. But the decisions about Lemmy should be about what’s best for Lemmy’s future as a tool though which is probably best to maintain the “reddit clone” selling point for the timebeing.

                  • Gaywallet (they/it)
                    42 years ago

                    If it’s someone saying something stupid, he will see he got 0 reactions, no downvotes, so that can make him more alone/stupid and not looking for a voting war. Hoping this will unmotivated more the trolling people or voting wars.

                    My experience of internet discourse is that people will absolutely react with negative emojis to things that they consider ‘stupid’. In some cases they are doing it to explicitly attempt to get a reaction out of the person who posted something, in other cases they simply want to point out that someone else is less than them, so that they can boost their own ego. I’m sure there are other use-cases, as humans are incredibly diverse.