• Willard Herman
    1 year ago

    I am vegan to try to do as little harm as I can. But really, there is no way to avoid causing harm in this world. We are prevented from being harmless by the structure of existence. We are forced into conflict with other people and our basic needs, and animals, and we are forced to harm others by the nature of the world, but I still try to harm as little as I can.

    I am vegan because I hate life.

    EDIT: I just realized, I didn’t answer the question. Need, for what? For their health? For the suffering of animals? I am not sure vegan is the optimal diet for health. But I don’t care, I am vegan for other reasons. If people hate the brutality of consuming animals then yes they need to be vegan.

    Everyone is not a unit that will ever work together, the vegan “cause” is hopeless.

    • @ilk@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      there is no way to avoid causing harm in this world

      seems like that, unless we stop the universe or end it all. afaik there is no evidence for plants consciousness, or feeling pain. but eating plants harms plants, which are life. they do react, communicate to the environment, which includes what humans do to them. besides there is a ton of organisms in our body dying to maintain we alive. i mean, even the sun is dying while earth and life on it consumes its energy… seems like suffering, death, disorder, is one way or another the nature of where we are; one exploring/exploiting other entities existence for maintaining its own existence and prosperity. on harming existing entities, we just judge as moral/immoral on the degree to what is closer to our nature (which include ourselves, animals, plants, …) and what will impact them (work exploitation, capitalism, environments damage, animal murdering, …).

      • Willard Herman
        11 year ago

        I think we agree. Maybe? I am not sure.

        "besides there is a ton of organisms in our body dying to maintain we alive.”

        Those organisms in our body, they live in our body and our body is like their planet. Our body is their Earth, we are their environment. They can’t live without us. But then, everything is aimed at diminishing.

        "we just judge as moral/immoral on the degree to what is closer to our nature (which include ourselves, animals, plants, …)”

        It seems to me we should just try, just try, to cause less pain and suffering, to be less harmful to those beings that feel pain. But of course, my thoughts and feelings that I should be less harmful are foolish, because it is impossible to be harmless. It is impossible due to the nature of the world.