I am so out of the loop, I don’t have any windows computers anymore which means I don’t get to try Windows 11. The last windows I used was Windows 10 years ago just after upgrading from Windows 7 and I didn’t like it.

  • do you have it already?
  • what are your thoughts?
  • did MS do well?
  • is it fast, does it feel lean or bulky

Maybe I should try it out just to get a feeling for it, I think without knowing what most people will use I can’t talk about alternatives with them.

  • Arcadius@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    My job is on POP OS and Fedora. We are suppose to do VMs for it in 2 weeks for some of the clients under us that still use Windows. So I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s about. At home I’m on POP OS and Twister OS.