• F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
    82 years ago

    @serenity Friendica is an even closer comparison - it lets you follow RSS/Atom feeds and add their entries as attachments. There is also an extension to use it as a frontend for your Twitter account.

    • Esi Jóhannes G.
      32 years ago

      @testman @serenity Haven’t heard about Commafeed before, how does it compare with some of the other self hosted RSS readers out there like TTRSS, Miniflux, etc…? Any idea?

      • Oliver
        2 years ago

        I came from TheOldReader, as the service seems to be no longer seriously maintained, and ended up with the commercial InoReader, which is really fabulously good, but crazy expensive in the premium variant, without which there are no filters. Unfortunately.

        Nextcloud News I tried, in the development currently unfortunately still a few decades behind. Self-hosted FreshRSS I had on the list, CommaFeed not yet tried. Even though we’re getting off topic here (well, it’s more the origin post I think, which seems pretty jumbled), I’d also be interested in what speaks for/against this service.

  • @Ferk@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Can Mastodon actually subscribe to a static ActivityPub feed?

    A lot of blogs are statically generated (it’s cheaper, faster and safer). Ideally, static websites could just generate JSON-LD for ActivityPub in a similar way as how they generate XML for RSS, which would make the transition easier… but last time I checked Mastodon didn’t support that very well, so RSS was still a better fit in many situations since it does not require an active server component. I’d love to be shown otherwise.

  • @0x1C3B00DA@lemmy.ml
    22 years ago

    I’ve struggled to understand IndieWeb, and I know I’m not alone

    I’ve heard this opinion before and its pretty frustrating. Wordpress has IndieWeb plugins just like it has an ActivityPub plugin. Most users don’t understand the relevant specs, they just know what they can accomplish and the IndieWeb can accomplish the same thing as ActivityPub. And from a developer perspective, the IndieWeb is way easier to understand than ActivityPub.