Maybe it is just my personal filter bubble, but I constantly get these “why web3 sucks” articles pushed into my timeline, while I actually had to look up what is even meant with web3 a few weeks ago.
I am starting to think it might be best to just ignore this artificial hype and not streisandeffect it by writing articles against it and thus make it somehow worthy of discussion…
Maybe it is just my personal filter bubble, but I constantly get these “why web3 sucks” articles pushed into my timeline, while I actually had to look up what is even meant with web3 a few weeks ago.
I am starting to think it might be best to just ignore this artificial hype and not streisandeffect it by writing articles against it and thus make it somehow worthy of discussion…
Yes, every time I see this I think “stop trying to make web3 a thing. It’s not a thing.”