There's a disconnect between critiques of Telegram and its practical use that have made me uneasy about joining technical pile-ons around how it's not really encrypted messaging. Let me use the example of Telegram use in the Hong Kong protests
how is that a problem with matrix? it has minimal metadata, encrypted, and don’t require any form of identification to use.
sure mostly everyone use the instance, but that’s a problem of most federated services. we’re all here on, while we could be elsewhere. but that’s also the whole point of a federated service. you could host it yourself. if your threat level required it.
you can’t host telegram. you can’t host signal.
sure, could be argued that XMPP is a better option than matrix. it’s old. relatively stable. and still somewhat familiar and popular throughout all these years. but that comes at the cost of no modern clients. no modern features. and opposite to matrix, no central hub/gateway or client for casual users to adopt a core service and participate through - which is pretty important if you actually plan to use a social medium.
Tbh fediverse is strange in that you use it for the decentralized federation model more than anything else.
Everything else is up to the instance and how it handles things.
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how is that a problem with matrix? it has minimal metadata, encrypted, and don’t require any form of identification to use.
sure mostly everyone use the instance, but that’s a problem of most federated services. we’re all here on, while we could be elsewhere. but that’s also the whole point of a federated service. you could host it yourself. if your threat level required it.
you can’t host telegram. you can’t host signal.
sure, could be argued that XMPP is a better option than matrix. it’s old. relatively stable. and still somewhat familiar and popular throughout all these years. but that comes at the cost of no modern clients. no modern features. and opposite to matrix, no central hub/gateway or client for casual users to adopt a core service and participate through - which is pretty important if you actually plan to use a social medium.
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Tbh fediverse is strange in that you use it for the decentralized federation model more than anything else. Everything else is up to the instance and how it handles things.