Now that Bandcamp has had huge layoffs, what about an opensource, Fediverse-friendly replacement? What can a FOSS product bring to the community and do better than Bandcamp?

  • Discoverability?
  • Broader selection of payments platforms? Direct transfer to avoid processors? (I’m ignorant about the processing system, plus international considerations)
  • Ease of spinning up (SaaS?)
  • Content deliverability (on the fly transcode from sourced FLAC or WAVs? Rich video/multi track audio?)
    1 year ago

    Yes. Brilliant plan! Take the creatives’ time spent on making art and have them decode every single fucking crypto scam’s procedures, security models, etc.! That way they’ll be so distracted by the bullshit choices placed before them they won’t realize that a) none of them are good choices, and b) they’ve not actually created anything since they started dealing with all that horseshit.

    Nostr is thataway, Sparky. Go talk to your fellow cryptobros.