I was at a wedding when a friend called me. They said their brother was “redoing his finances” and they needed about a $1,000 and would pay me back after. I was actually apologetic I couldn’t help them it was just too much and I’m at a wedding, not a good time to talk about this in detail. That was all good and I went on my way but it did seem like a weird request.
I get back home and hear back from this friend. Turns out their brothers FB was hacked and who they thought was their brother was actually a malicious actor who gained access to the account. They managed to convince them to transfer about $800 VIA a bitcoin ATM since they were “redoing their finances in crypto” and obviously lost it all. Brother contacted them the next day when they regained access and saw all the messages the bad actor sent.
It was so surreal because at the wedding I didn’t even question that THEY might be getting scammed and I almost got involved! They didn’t mention crypto at the time but man do I ever wish they did. Obviously hindsight in 20/20 but I like to believe that it would’ve triggered the warning bells in my head.
I guess my point is that you don’t even need to be talking to the scammer to get scammed.
Very interesting read, with this you understand that every person is indeed vulnerable to these types of frauds. Nothing like this has happened to me yet, but if it were to happen to me I think I would more or less know how to move and frame the person as quickly as possible.
The first mistake was picking up a random phone call. Can’t get scammed if you never pick up haha!
But yeah, if money is involved, I initiate the call to the person. If you didnt call, don’t give out information!
- Don’t pick up random calls
- Don’t give your phone and email to random websites
- Use throwaway email for signing up to non-critical online services (non-bank, shopping, etc…)
This will filter away 99.999% of spam and scam online.
I was never scammed or had close calls. Am I monumentally lucky, or just have a decent bullshit detector?