Nothing is making the itching stop. The worst part is that the left side of my leg has nerve damage and is slightly numb from where a screw was put in, and the sensation extends to my knee. The feeling is very strange. Thankfully it’s only the left side of my leg. The right side, that had the more extensive hardware put in, (2 tightrope devices) is totally fine in regards to nerves.
I can’t wait until I’m fully recovered. This whole ordeal is the worst.
You could try a trick I use for mosquito bites and poison ivy.
Run some hot water. Just right on the edge of too hot to touch. Put the itchy part under that running water.
It will feel like the most intense itch, but also relief at the same time (assuming it works). It only takes maybe 5 seconds to work. Afterwards, the itch stops for a couple hours.
This works so well. I use it when I get neuroma twinges or insect bites.
Definitely saved my sleep/sanity a few times.
This works for mosquito bites because the heat denatures the proteins in the mosquito saliva in the bite that causes the itching. Not sure it will have the same long term effect on a healing wound.
I think this works for insect bites because it denatures the proteins that makes it itch.
Glad I’m not the only one who does this.
But this sounds like tattoo healing itch, which is the worst part but yeah not much to do but smack it.