why would I pick christian ubuntu if TempleOS exists
These Linux cultists will never understand
Let’s make TempleOS the OS of 2024.
Could be a fun challenge lmao
“I ran temple os for one year and this is how I became Schizophrenic”
2024 will finally be the year of TempleOS on the desktop
We already decided on Hannah Montana Linux.
Maybe you can do TempleOS for 2025
That would be a challenge for sure. IIRC Terry Davis was quite proud of the fact that his OS supported neither network nor sound
I use Archangel btw
Hannah Montana Linux, the only true distro.
I like how only the christian version uses gnome as a de, marking how deranged gnome is.
It is so funny that christian edition is discontinued lol
Satanic is discontinued not Christian
this is so sad
If they kill the Christian Edition, it will be back in a few days.
proof that linux is demonic
i mean it always has deamons running
The Christian edition seems like not 100% joke
Does the christian edition have daemons though
Maybe they’re angaels instead.
I laughed, then had to explain the joke to my parents, which meant I had to explain what Linux was, what daemons were, and why I was giggling
And that’s how you introduce family to Linux
They happen to be running Fedora Kionite on their desktop since I got sock of troubleshooting windows 😂
Truly daemonic of you
I looked it up, its actually a thing. ubuntuce.com
I know, author provided the links :)
Dual boot.
What’s kinda funny is that the Christian version relies on faith in an outside authority to make moral decisions.
Scoobuntu the only scooby-doo based desktop distribution.
I would get UbuntuCE and turn it into Satanic, like a softfork. That would be satanic indeed, the evil offspring
satanic is christian
SAY10 \m/
You say “GOD” and I say “SAY10”
hail satan😈
UbuntuCE is interesting, they have lots of blocking integrated. But thats probably just blocking “unchristian” content lol
There’s a built in domain blocker with various tiers, e.g. one blocks ads, the next tier up blocks ads and porn, next one is ads, porn, and gambling etc.
I can’t help but notice that they put “Fake News” in a higher blocklist tier than “Social Media”
They suggest normal filtering DNS servers that filter porn, gambling and ads. AdGuard Family and similar.
I’ll run them both in VMs on my Hanna Montana Linux