The worst part is draconic abortion bans also hurt those trying to have children. No one’s getting recreational third trimester abortions. You picked out a name, painted the nursery. Late term abortions are tragedies to all parties, and only ever happen because of life threatening conditions.
I wouldn’t want to plan a child when any complication could mean death.
No need to sound like a political science textbook. Birth control means you don’t have to get pegnorate!
How is this a meme?
Ikr? Lemmy is 99% stuff like this, when really all i want to do on here is laugh
Doesn’t not having sex do that a little better tho? Like i totally get the point, but also, having sex gives chance of baby right? So, don’t do it unless you ready? Maybe I’m wrong.
Sex is a basic human need. Having a child isn’t. You need to know you are compatible with your partner sexually or it will lead to tons of strife in a relationship. So not having sex unless you are asexual or a version of it isn’t an option.
Sex is a basic human need.
Humans do not die if they don’t have sex.
Humans also do not die when they are shackled and locked in a dark room for years or decades, as long as you feed them. How is you argument sounding now?
Still better than ignoring the millions of people throughout history who haven’t had sex and lived long happy lives.
Almost sounds like it’s fine when people choose, but is a problem when people are forced. Odd
There are people who don’t choose but still are still fine.
If what you’re saying is true Tom Hanks would have died of lack of sex on that island.
Or I’d have died in the six years between going through puberty and having sex. Or the five years later on when I didn’t have sex but wanted to.
“People need sex” is borderline incel shit.
I can tell you’re just going to need some months or years to think it over.
Which is why republicans and conservatives want it gone: they want you to have children.
They want you to have children, and they want you to do it before you’re ready. They want you to be barely surviving so you can’t afford to switch jobs or take time off. They want you too powerless to have any leverage over your
owneremployer.They want having children to be a woman’s punishment for unapproved sex, and they want the kid (who had zero responsibility for creating that situation) to suffer through it along with her, with zero help so it’s all as unpleasant as possible, cuz apparently that makes Baby Jesus smile. Fucking lunatics.
At its core it’s about population control. As the birth rate is falling capitalism needs bodies to keep the cogs turning.
New meat MUST be bred to feed the machine of infinite growth.
I know I’m probably wrong here, and I’m willing to be better informed, but I don’t like the phrasing of abortion as mere “birth control,” as if it were equal to methods that prevent conception or implantation.
Do people really feel it’s not a different sort of act, or would people be comfortable using abortion as their sole means of birth control (if it were safe and inconsequential to the woman)? And yes, I understand that the morning after pill is something of a gray area.
Also yes, I am a Christian. But I understand that there are good reasons for abortion remaining legal.
Abortion is, by definition, a form of birth control, but I don’t think most people would ever consider it to be equal to other forms of controlling birth. However, let’s not forget that for a lot of people abortion is quite literally the only birth control they may have access to, and even that access may come at huge risk. There are often family, social, religious (this is the big one), or cultural pressures that get in the way of accessing contraceptives until it is too late.
Absolutely understand, and while it’s hard for me to believe that anyone doesn’t know about condoms, a religious person who chooses abortion over condoms really makes me scratch my head.
But I guess you mean a kid living in a “religious” household. Man, I wish there was a way to communicate to kids that feeling your old enough for sex means feeling you’re old enough to make good decisions about preventing pregnancy.
I mean frankly the whole thing’s just too damn big for me. My heart goes out to everyone who finds themselves with these kinds of choices.
Well depends what you mean by birth control… is it a way to prevent pregnancy or children?
Since birth is in the name i’d say the term is better suited for referring to anything preventing the birth of a children. But what the term refers to has no barring on what’s happening.
It never meant people don’t make a difference. Any reasonable women knows and feel the difference.
The fact it’s less safe and has worse effects on your health is just another way we realize how serious an abortion is. It will never be inconsequential even if it was safe.
Please do not trust anyone who says people disagree with this. They all have a political reason to lie.