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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Emergence is actually a considerable personal interest of mine, so this is a fun topic for me, and your position is one I used to hold. There’s a basic problem with this line of thinking though.

    Emergent patterns and behavior are observed, only. The emergent property isn’t composed of any substance, it is a mathematical construct. That is to say, the higher order organization of ant colonies and bird flocks do not in and of themselves experience qualia. They certainly might look like it from the outside, but that’s the entire point of emergence: this “substance” is an illusion, there is no subjective experience associated with the ant colony or the bird flock. Each individual has it, but the collective itself only looks like it does.

    Consciousness is made of some “substance”. The experience itself is made out of “I am”, whatever that is. So if you’re being intellectually honest, and follow the logic fully, you come to one of two conclusions :

    1. Subjective experience does arise purely from emergence: any sufficiently complex and interconnected system can develop a similar phenomenon. If this is the case, then a sufficiently large flock of birds could theoretically “turn on” and begin to have a centralized conscious experience like we do. The Internet itself might “turn on” one day. Why not the universe itself, which is so much larger and more complex still? It’s laughably unscientific to suggest that this phenomenon only emerges at the extremely specific scale of the human nervous system, but nothing bigger.

    The logical conclusion of this line of thinking is that it’s more likely than not that the entire universe has an emergent consciousness.

    1. Subjective experience does not arise purely from emergence: the “I am” substance is some fundamental property of the universe, similar to gravity or electromagnetism. The role of emergence is either to develop non-conscious matter into a form that interacts with a consciousness “field” like building a radio, or all matter experiences consciousness and the role of emergence is to develop it into more sophisticated forms.

    The logical conclusion of that line of thinking is that there is a panpsychic field permeating the universe.

    I’m very explicitly not saying that there’s literally a giant bearded man who lives in the clouds who got into a fight with a talking snake. All of that is a combination of metaphors to explain abstract concepts to bronze age shepherds, translation errors, and bad faith actors trying to secure power for themselves.

    What I am saying is that a thorough persistence in the rational exploration of the phenomenon of subjectivity leads one to a universe-spanning consciousness of one nature or another, and that attempts to describe it with human language evoke descriptions consistent with pretty much every major cultures core concept of God before the power-hungry priests started telling people that the universal consciousness will punish them for being naughty.

    Personally I’m in the panpsychist camp. I don’t know how much physics you’ve taken, but the modern view basically treats everything as the interaction of fields.

  • Brainwashed mostly, both parties contribute, but the right wing significantly moreso. Focus is actively concentrated on culture/morality issues like gun control, abortion, sexuality, etc. so that voters make decisions based on those positions rather than material issues. Additionally, American politicians have led a smear campaign against socialism for at least a century. You can’t vote for the scary socialists, they murder babies and destroy the economy and force everyone to get sex changes.

  • Good, you’ve got the gist: a ridiculous claim centered in an observable phenomenon does not invalidate that phenomenon.

    Now replace electricity with consciousness, subjective experience itself. We observe consciousness, we are consciousness, of course it exists. It is important to investigate the cause, determine the nature of the phenomenon and consider seriously the possible explanations.

    By a due investigation, and serious and rational consideration, what possible explanations do you find for consciousness?

  • The Abrahamic religions do not have a monopoly on the concept of God. The irrationality of their particular fables, talking snakes and walking on water and all the behavioral quirks they claim God has expressed, has nothing to do with the concept itself.

    Let’s say I popularized the idea that electricity is really just tiny pixies dancing around, and I came up with all manner of personality traits and stories to go along with them. Let’s say millions, billions of people embraced my pixie theory, and it mutated over time into schismatic alternatives with their own traits and stories. Do the ridiculous things now ascribed to electricity, so pervasively that most people picture little pixies when they hear the words, prove that electricity doesn’t exist?