Serious question, why do we give so much power to these tech firms such as Google, when really the solution is decentralization. We have some solutions for money with bitcoin, but there still doesn’t seem to be a viable alternative with a search engine that is decentralized?
I’ve always been curious about “proof of being a human” but in not sure if any system has seriously experimented with that.
When we have an decentralised global anonymous or private ID system, it would be the best and most fair way to distibute an decentralized currency.
Thus a decentralised global anonymous ID system would probably be the most important system in humanities evolution in order to create a fair world.
How would it work then, practically? How would you prove your ID corresponds to a real human? Even better, is it possible to prove every ID corresponds to a unique human?
Great questions. Not sure how it would work and if we could make it work. I think MS is working on a solution. But I’m not sure it’s such a good idea if everyone on earth was dependent on the technology of one company for their identity.