I’m kind of new to android. F-droid is kind of hard to navigate. some apps doesn’t load their thumbnails and some doesn’t even have them at all. It’s hard to decide which ones are good other than how recent It’s updated.

What I need atm:

  • Music player
  • Writing / Note taking
  • Diary app
  • VPN?
  • Maps
  • Messenger app
  • Social media / Fediverse frontends (if it exists)
  • Peertube client (to upload and manage videos)
  • Reminders / To do list app

You can recommend me any android apps that might be useful.

  • Liwott@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    Lots of nice suggestions here ! Maybe 2 points worth mentioning :

    • Since you are using the fediverse already and are looking for f-droid app recommendations, it may be worth to consider the f-droid client gdroid, which uses the Fediverse as a source for comments.
    • OSMAnd is a nice OSM frontend. Now the question is whether OSM is complete enough in your region for it to be used as a GPS app. In that regard, I recently discovered StreetComplete, which makes contributing to OSM easy and fun.-
    • ray@lemmy.ml
      4 years ago

      I love using StreetComplete! It has been fun to help map out areas I’ve lived in. Also I often use OSMAnd to add notes that I’ll then fix when on a desktop computer.