I just realized that lemmy doesn’t have karma like reddit. I’ve never paid much attention to karma. But even so it does seem to play an important role in moderation on reddit.

For instance, many subs put a karma restriction on who can post which helps decrease trolls.

And while it’s true that karma gives an incentive for people to seek karma I think it’s overall regulatory principle might be worth considering as a trade off.

  • @swan@lemmy.world
    409 months ago

    I don’t think so. I kind of like not having it. It’s useless and just encourages karma farming with low reposts

  • @hfkldjbuq@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    No. This leads to the commercialization/capitalization of accounts and “karma farming” in general. Increases numbers of bots, decreases content quality. It will become yet another Reddit. If Lemmy implements that I will be out of here.

    Hope you devs can see the issues with it @nutomic@lemmy.ml and not become liberals. Stop the gamification!

  • _haha_oh_wow_
    119 months ago

    Technically it kinda does, but it’s apparently not accessible unless you’re an admin or using kbin.

    That said, karma isn’t something that should be prominently featured or featured at all IMO.

  • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
    101 year ago

    I suppose this could be implemented as a config options, so instance admins could choose to enable or disable it. Of course someone would have to write the code for it, contributions welcome :)

    • Kromonos
      41 year ago

      More interesting question would be, how to deal with incoming messages from other systems, which doesn’t support a karma system? 🤔

      • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
        51 year ago

        Lemmy stores vote count for all posts/comments that it knows about. In case another platform doesnt support votes, the count might not be completely accurate. But anyway the count wont be accurate for remote users, because most likely we dont have all their posts/comments federated to the local instance.

  • Well, the Voyager app shows a comment score and a post score, I like to have just that. The karma system was flawed because the accounts with the most karma where mostly repost bots. Karma restrictions didn’t do anything because of that.

    • @jackalope@lemmy.mlOP
      -41 year ago

      Yes I think karma would be useful.

      What’s the biggest complaint about lemmy right now? Besides performance it’s lack of engagement, lack of content.

      Are there externalities from people chasing karma? Yes but there are ways to design around that. I really think this is something the devs should reconsider.

  • @ChatGPT@lemmy.world
    79 months ago

    I like that you can see both upvotes and downvotes. I always deleted anything on Reddit that went below one karma here I don’t have that urge as I feel at least one person agrees and I feel like I can be my true self instead of always conforming to the sub.

  • @TheHighRoad@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I was on Reddit since just before the Digg migration and I still don’t know what karma even is not give two shits about it.