It’s Tommy Westphall’s world. We’re just living in it.
It’s Tommy Westphall’s world. We’re just living in it.
Kazinsky probably “killed himself” because he took a look at the world of 2023 and realized that no one listened to a single word he said.
That’s correct. It IS better than it was. And it’s important to KEEP it that way. But in case you haven’t noticed, world history is following pretty much the exact same path beat-for-beat that it did in the lead up to that war that cost 140 million lives.
It’s not whether we are better off than we were in the past. It’s a question of whether or not we’re going to stay that way. Because the next world war might claim a billion or more. (exaggerating for effect of course)
In some ways I think they always were about non-violence. Kagami clearly only resorted to the bombing when they had nothing else to lose. The female leader (Sonia I think her name was) was on that side of things as well, while Roger Cross’ character (I think his name was Travis?) was the militaristic one.
Canadian Sci-Fi starring Roger Cross
That made me laugh out loud because it’s so damn true.
It was a pretty good show that sadly got forgotten. But yes, on my second rewatch recently (In Canada at least it’s also on Tubi for free…) I was immediately with Liber8. They are the protagonists. And I think that was kind of the point of the show by the end.
Because they are clueless.
In their tiny, pathetic, syphilitic minds, every country must have the same problems as the U.S. It’s inconceivable to these morons that Greenland wouldn’t actually have a large percentage of homeless people, because the U.S. does.
The conversation probably quite literally went like this between two morons sitting in Mar a Lago:
“Hey, let’s just get some homeless people to show up.”
"Do they have homeless people in Greenland.
“Of Course they do! Look around. They’re everywhere…” (Completely ignoring the fact that they’re not actually in Greenland.
I too enjoy peyote on occasion.
Well shoot. My regular eye doctor is a cute little thing that I kind of have a crush on, and now all I can picture is her talking about my eye sphincter…
I’ll have none of your witchcraft here, thank-you-very-much.
Out of curiosity, does a different shaped pupil change your vision? I equate a pupil to a camera lens aperture; the smaller it gets, the less light gets through. Have you noticed a difference?
“Yeah that doesn’t surprise me.” – Anyone whose ever seen an Italian Giallo film.
Carbon Capture is a fraud. It’s always been a fraud.
Our Conservative Sask Party government blathered on about it for years as an alternative to “Trudeau’s evil Carbon Tax”. And it went about as well as you’d expect.
TIL “Adviser” isn’t actually a misspelling of “Advisor” but an actual legitimate alternative spelling.
I was all ready to come in here and rake Reuters for such a basic error, but figured (as I usually do) that I should check my facts before making an ass of myself. Good thing I did…
Exactly. This is the good thing about federation. If you don’t like the community you’re in, move to another one that better aligns to your values. No one’s speech is “limited”, but other instances aren’t forced to listen to you unless they want to.
That’s a very fair point. But it’s still annoying.
Not when every app decides to use a different point version of the same damn platform.
"Hello Mr. Application. I see you’d like to use the Freedesktop-SDK 23.08.27
“Oh…well hello other application. What’s this? You want to use Freedesktop-SDK 24.08.10? Well…I guess so…”
Edited to add: Yes, I know that flatpaks will upgrade to use updated platforms. But it doesn’t automatically remove the old one, forcing you to have to run flatpak remove --unused every week just to keep your drive clean. That’s hardly user friendly for the average person.
I don’t mind flatpaks in a pinch, but having to use them for literally every app on my computer is an unreasonable amount of bloat.
Anti-anxiety meds.
Anxiety isn’t the cause of all people’s short fuse, but it was for me.
And to be clear, I wasn’t really “anger” issues as in “blowing up at other people”. You don’t work retail long before you learn how to put on a happy face. It was more “anger issues” that I would just seethe to myself at all the stupidity around me, completely unable to let even the littlest shit go.
Driving was the worst. I was an asshole as a driver. My entire time travelling to work would often be filled with a constant litany of yelling and swearing to myself, knowing full well that the other person can’t hear me.
I realize I’ll get downvoted to hell for saying it, but IMO anyone who says that non-violence works every time is naive.
The French didn’t gain anything until the guillotines started rolling. America didn’t get their freedom until they started fighting back. British/Portuguese/French Colonialism in Africa didn’t come to an end until the locals started rioting and in some cases flat out starting revolutions.
Anyone who says violence never solved anything hasn’t been paying attention to ANYTHING in history EVER.