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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • CheeseNoodle@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldSo sad when it happens
    11 months ago

    I want to use linux and will use it when two conditions are met:
    -All my work software and the games I play the most all work on it (without requiring me to re-buy shit I already own to get a linux compatable version)
    -Its user friendly enough that asking which version I should use as a beginner doesn’t result in all the linux users immediately descending into the thread equivelent of a cartoon fight cloud with random limbs flailing around.

    Edit: Some feedback on the feedback:
    -Apparently some of the linux versions are super user friendly but advice about this is totally inconsistent, some of the advice doesn’t even actually name a specific version or versions.
    -“It all works fine you just need to install thing A through thing B and then use it to run thing C in order to run this one single program from windows” is not as encouraging as you think it is. The thought of potentially going through that for every piece of software is at least for me a big reason for not switching yet and I suspect for a lot of other people too.
    -The reference page for what games work on linux is helpful though some things on it only work if you use the steam version which is the precise reason for my not wanting to re-buy things comment.

    Edit: Additional question.
    Is it mandatory to use the terminal for everything? Everytime I see people talk about linux or look stuff up about it the terminal seems to be everywhere. I’m somewhat familiar with the windows command line (which I assume is the terminals equivelent) but having to use that just to install software (as opposed to just running a .exe) seems really daunting.

  • So I’ve worked out whats been bugging me about the new episodes, not just for futurama but also all the new simpsons episodes for a while too. They’ve been trying to run distinct A and B plots at the same time without any interplay in them beyond happening to occur in the same space of time. The result is that instead of an interesting A plot with a small B plot running alongside we instead get what’s pretty much two completely seperate half length plots that end up feeling underexplored and rushed.

    The momazon episode is a good example, we started with leela moving in to fry and benders appartment and the emotional effect that has on bender, but then bender just goes to work at momazon so abrubtly that it doesn’t even feel like a consiquence of the earlier events so much as a really forced way to segway into the momazon plot, the appartment plot is then pretty much completely ignored for the whole episode only to come back up right at the end for a last minute resolution. The result is basically a rugpull on the apartment plot while leaving too little time for the momazon plot to really get interesting, they just jump right from problem straight to solution with no real obstacles that don’t immediately resolve themselves.

    Both plotlines could have been served far better if the momazon plot had been the main focus with the apartment situation being sprinkled in as interactions during the momazon plot; this would have given the A plot the full screen time to properly play out while also keeping the B plot relevant throughout the whole episode. I think a good example of this would be the episode where nibbler gets flushed down the toilet, the A plot is finding nibbler and a B plot between bender and leela/nibbler takes place within the A plot without cutting into its run time.

    TLDR: B plots have become too seperate from the A plots and end up detracting from them rather than complimenting them.