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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Some good points here, I stand partially corrected.

    There are in fact 2 completely separate things that irk me. The biggest is the virtual lynching that is mass-downvoting. I’m sorry, I will never ever pardon the downvoting of opinions, I think it’s the illness of the social internet since the very beginning. See my many other recent comments for evidence of how strongly I feel about this.

    The other issue is the actual one at hand! You’re right that this cache folder business does not really concern most ordinary users, even on Ubuntu. But actually, if even we geeks need to tell each other to “remember to do X every now and then”, I have enough of an IT mind to think “Why do we need to remember anything?! The tool should do this job for us!” These are “babysitting” chores and IMO on a decent OS there should be zero babysitting, it should be set up once and then it should work forever, with any tweaking optional.

  • Fair enough, tho personally I don’t see this “doom-y language” you see, I just see a slightly exasperated opinion expressed in good grammar and good faith.

    But personally I don’t downvote people for their opinions, ever, as a matter of principle. It’s literally a form of censorship, given that it hides the comments. It leads straight to a deadening groupthink where dissenters are scared to open their virtual mouths. It creates a general aura of negativity and intolerance that helps nobody at all. Downvoting, as it is used by most people here and on the R-site, is an absolute scourge. If anything makes me leave this community, it will be this.

  • Ha! Yes I agree completely with all of that.

    And with your point here. In this world of pocket touchscreens and voice AIs, where young people don’t even know what a file is any more, the geeks here are reminding each other to empty their .cache directory from time to time. I mean, do they have no self-awareness? Or perhaps they simply don’t care if nobody chooses to use Linux. That at least would be coherent, but if there are no new users then eventually the whole thing will just die.

  • The hate you’re getting for this is so revealing and depressing. It basically proves you right.

    To the haters: where is the factual problem with this personal opinion? Have you considered making a counter-argument instead, instead of simply lashing out with the downvote button like spoiled infants? This kind of tribal pile-on really pisses me off. You are literally censoring an opinion expressed in good faith - downvotes hide comments and reduce reputation. All while offering no rebuttal, no ideas of your own, nothing. Nice work.

  • Yes the PDF-“signing” mascarade is beyond ridiculous but that’s definitely a thing in Europe too, certainly France and Germany. Maybe only for private businesses at this point, yeah. Personally I have a whole production line up and ready for photoshopping sigs and initials and even handwritten dates onto PDFs in order to comply with dumb instructions. It’s as if a handwritten signature, even in PNG form, has a magical superpower to make a document authentic. A bit like the security theater at entrances to buildings and transport. What’s important is to go through the motions of securing something, to prove that you really want it to be secure, rather than actually to secure it. A rite, basically.

    But yes, having said all that, the alternative is maybe even worse! We’re gonna find out.

  • Good analysis, thanks.

    regulation like that is only proposed to hide up other clauses and proposals that are equally bad or even worse - get the public distracted and thinking they made a difference

    But IMO this bit was superfluous POV. An alternative theory is that nobody is secretly scheming to do anything, least of all the chaotic EU apparatus, and that most politicians are not experts and they are simply responding to various competing stimuli, as humans do. Notably elections and media hype and lobbyists. Personally I don’t get why so many people attribute to malice what can easily be explained by incompetence, but whatever, I’m in the minority and that’s fine.

    Interesting detail about the eID certificates. You’re right that Americans will find this crazy in the way that we Europeans might not. Perhaps Americans are right.

  • For the average Westerner, the threat from shady Russian agents seems orders of magnitude less serious than that from their own governments and police forces.

    For EE2E, the corporate spyware messengers are asking us to take their word for it. Hard.

    About the server locations, that’s interesting and does indeed undermine my argument a bit.

  • As I see it, the key advantage of Telegram is not technical, it is political.

    Yes, Telegram is a slightly shady company with an ambiguous business model and a possibly-dodgy encryption algorithm (when it is even turned on).

    But Telegram is based outside the reach of the West (in UAE, eastern Europe, maybe even Russia). Whatever its other problems, nobody thinks that Telegram is under the thumb of Western governments, as the Big Tech corporate messengers almost certainly are.

    Personally I don’t care much if Russia or even China is spying on me. Because if we can be certain of anything in this world, it’s that Russia and China are not sharing their spyware data with Western intelligence agencies. And as Westerners we live outside the reach of the Russian and Chinese police states, fortunately. So for us it’s win-win for privacy. That’s the way I see it.

    The ideal solution, of course, is a truly private messenger which protects everyone’s privacy, including Chinese and Russians.

  • I wish I could turn off seeing the voting system because I think the voting system is meaningless.

    Completely agree. This is how Hacker News does it.

    IMO a first step is to get rid of the downvote counter. On a healthy forum a comment will generally have far more upvotes than downvotes. So it seems to me that showing the exact number of downvotes is putting disproportionate weight on the negativity. 400 upvotes but 9 people downvoted it, what bast***s! You often see this kind of indignant comment, which suggests that people love to focus on the negative if given the chance. We should not be pushing people to focus on this number. It’s completely counterproductive if the objective is quality and not just mindless engagement.

  • JubilantJaguar@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.worldThe Decline of Niche Communities on Lemmy
    11 months ago

    where people downvote reasonable opinions they disagree with

    This is the scourge of any forum. Downvoting apologists need to think about what they are doing. Downvoting makes comments less visible. So downvoting is the equivalent of taping someone’s mouth shut because you don’t agree with them. Is that really what you are trying to do?

    Personally I never downvote any comment that is made in good faith, no matter how much I disagree with it. Occasionally I even force myself to upvote them if they’re thoughtful. It’s not that hard.

    E: Sad but unsurprised to see that a bunch of people think my personal opinion needs to be hidden. I guess it’s less risky than coming up with a counter-argument and seeing if you get more upvotes.

  • Quick politics primer. The EU Parliament is not all-powerful. It cannot even propose legislation (yet). The EU is still mostly a confederation so it’s the governments that hold the reins. But the EP has to say yes for anything to pass. And since it is essentially a consultative body, the EP also tends to contain at least a handful of earnest idealists and specialists (usually Germans) who know when to say no, and how to amend legislation. They are often from the Greens-EFA parliamentary group and sometimes from the liberal Renew group. That is likely what happened here, yet again. It is very important for EU citizens to vote for these parties and candidates in EU elections. The next election is coming up in 6 months.

  • Would love to, but there’s no way I’m using the account that has root access to my mobile computer in order to write random comments on the internet. To me that just seems absolutely screwed up. And I’m not renting a separate phone number, which is the only way to create a properly sandboxed Google account.

    So, sorry Google, I’ll let you manage my mobile OS because there’s no easy alternative, but I will not use any of your services or voluntarily give you any information about me on any of your platforms. And of course I will mercilessly block any and all ads I see anywhere. In my case at least, you will be providing your service for literally zero $ will no prospect of monetization. That’s the price to pay for trying to privatize our digital lives.