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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Valve works differently than other companies. Internally everyone works on what they want when they want. You can literally wheel your desk to a new location if you decide to want to work with another team. Because of this though it creates an odd dynamic that isn’t always going to work out best for the developers or the consumers.

    This is why it feels extremely random whenever valve releases something new. You would think they would just release banger after banger of hot AAA titles. But it’s more complicated than that unfortunately. This is also reflected in things like fixing cheats in team fortress 2 etc etc.

    This video will answer a lot of your questions


  • For destiny, I have no idea. I first played D2 when it launched and that was fine, but I attempted to pick it up again a year or two later and I was immediately lost.

    For overwatch I agai haven’t played in quite some time. But for multiplayer shooters like that I try to go into a casual mode or training mode first and just get a feel for everything. Eventually you get the hang of things.

    For RPG’s it depends. Some games can benefit from reading up online. For example I’m playing bloodborne right now and I had no idea how I wanted to spec out my character. So I looked up what weapons and abilities are in the game and made my decision based around that. If a game features a respec option, I’ll be more likely to just go in and wing it and change things up when I need to.

  • American politicians don’t need social media to invade peoples privacy. The patriot act sealed the deal a while ago. If they want to spy, they’re going to.

    I should also add that the whole tik tok ban is just a way to toss in extra laws that give the America government more control. They say it’s about tik tok, but it’s a scapegoat to get people to vote for invasive laws.

  • I have only played the first two games so far. Overall I strongly disliked the dungeons in the second game as they felt like padding and a way to kill off your pikmin. They just weren’t executed properly in my opinion.

    That being said, there was massive room for improvement. As long as the dungeons in 4 aren’t repetitive and feel unique enough I think they could be fun.

  • I tried outer wilds on gamepass. I went in blind knowing absolutely nothing. At first I thought the graphics made it look like a generic unity indie game. I didn’t like how the jumping worked. I was so close to closing the game but I figured “I haven’t even gotten past the tutorial. I should at least give it a try.”

    Oh man. The second you complete the tutorial and you are set free to play I had the best “oh holy shit” moment I’ve had in years. It’s still not everyone’s cup of tea but I absolutely loved it. I hope they make a second.

  • The company I work for uses activity watch to monitor our productivity. The program isn’t very accurate though but they seem to take it as gospel. So I’ve had to set up ways to prevent it from making me appear away when I’m actually still at my pc working.

    These kinds of micromanaging steps only further the employer/employee divide. In my eyes a good employer would consult with an employee if they aren’t meeting their standards and work with them to improve things or offer other potential solutions.

    From my experience they want us to be robots, not humans.

    Edit: I also forgot to mention they monitor us with this tool without employee knowledge. They only will reveal this once they feel there’s a need to fix an “issue” (which might not even be an issue)

    There’s also been a rumor going around that they are checking our webcams without our knowledge but I can’t confirm if this is true.

    It’s not great overall