And that’s fine, some people like canned static. I happen to like deep fried bull testicles
Crt TV static in a can
According to Valve itself Half Life 3 doesn’t exist because they are out of ideas, Valve has always been a clan of tech wizards rather than writers
Homeopathic chocolate maybe, the recipe was developed specifically to use less chocolate
Man was deeply anti fascist
Actually there are swords that were in fact peasant level weapons, because they were farm equipment like machetes are
So this is how Shibidi Toilet really started
A Ford might get stuck in the fjord
Such a little cutie I love Dumbo rats
The Monad is also the name Gnostics chose to refer to the creator deity as they saw the God of Genesis as evil and a pretender
Except he’s right.
I don’t care if you are god don’t tell me what to do
Always happy to help, it’s not often that my families multiple generations of dog breeding and training actually provides relevant information to internet conversations
We call them that because they were meant to drive badgers from dens. It’s why they are so inclined to be aggressive little shits when not properly trained
Doctor scribed the supplements, douche nozzle
You mean we have cultural differences to the rest of the world? How diverse!
Man has crippling depression that he can’t treat like many men
You: “oh my gaaaawd he’s so dangerous all men are this!”