Thunar, but it’s really buggy. I keep telling myself I should find some free time to contribute some patches.
Thunar, but it’s really buggy. I keep telling myself I should find some free time to contribute some patches.
I’ll probably stop using the website eventually, but I could also just remove the filter completely. Those are my actual options. ;)
a lot of the platforms they use on a daily basis, have these systems in place
That does not justify making the same mistake as them.
“Productivity” is very broad and vague of a term. I don’t think a “list” would ever be comprehensive enough to cover everything. You just have to keep looking around and learn what is best for you.
Display bugs: whenever something changes in the underlying file system, the changes are not always reflected. Backend bugs: deleting files causes CPU usage to soar up for whatever reason. Long standing bug, might be related to GVFS, but still not really sure. I also got a few crashes but can’t remember exactly.
Compared to KDE Dolphin it also lacks some much needed features, such as the dialog window when copying files with filename conflict which could display more information (and a thumbnail).
I contributed some patches in the past, and the maintainer is a really cool person. Just need to find time to contribute more…