Eve is a hardcore full loot PvP game with real stakes, if that isn’t your jam then Eve isn’t.
The moment to moment game play is garbage but it’s those moments of risking it all for glory that still get the heart racing and the hands shaking no matter how seasoned you are that’s something literally no other game has been able to do for me.
I hope you at least played with friends because I couldn’t think of anything worse or more boring than joining a large faceless null sec feeder corp and grinding PvE for a year in peace time.
I couldn’t think of an amusement park MMO that would allow me to sit on a wormhole all day listening for an activation and watching youtube and not feel like I’m wasting money by not playing. the beautiful thing about eve is it requires as much of your time and attention as you’re willing to give and it never feels like you’re not progressing.
Who the fuck you been callin’ in TaiWan boy?
America believes this will bring back their god, it hasn’t failed until they say it has.
I think they’re 2 different things. being acutely aware of how totally an utterly fucked we all are doesn’t stop me from doing things I like.
What are you talking about, this can ONLY surpass expectations at this point.
That’s the neat part, you don’t.
soooo, are we gonna wait for them to get to Poland now?
Eve online because I hate myself
the line do go up though
in other news grass is green
Where did you get a copy of my autobiography? I thought I had them all destroyed.
and I’m going to throw away this perfectly good marketing opportunity to point you at the noise music rabbit hole
Colonists try to fuck with Ireland, goes about as expected
I don’t do it to mess with them I just assume it would
I upload unstructured noise. Good fucking luck AI scum.
Any company that respects copyright is being left in the dust by China
Most people need to sell their estate to pay for end of life care, just tell your boomer parents they can spend their last days in whatever dumpster their meagre estate can afford and they might rethink their next cruise.