• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I guess I don’t see what the incentive would be for this, or even what it realistically means in this case.

    Do you mean like relicensing the backend and frontend with a closed source license? I don’t see what the incentive would be for that unless they wanted lemmyml to be the only instance in existence (which runs counter to it’s raison d’etre) and to make secret/proprietary/commercial extensions to it that are difficult to develop in the open.

    Or I guess unless they wanted to start charging instance admins for the honor and pleasure of running their software, which at least right now would be the quickest way to ensure nobody runs their software.

  • I guess my reaction is partially because I never see articles like this for my other hobbies and while I don’t see articles like this about video games often, I do see comments around the internet about this fairly regularly.

    I don’t hear people saying “playing board games helps me with strategizing” or “playing guitar has really improved my hand-eye coordination and playing in a band has helped my ability to cooperate with others.”

    Maybe that’s because gamers tend to feel more defensive about the hobby as it has historically been disparaged. People are more likely to picture “CoD yelling person” when they hear you play video games than they are to picture “wonderwall at parties person” when they hear you play guitar.

    But, on the other hand, D&D players and Marvel nerds seem to have largely moved on from “but it’s actually really cool and fun and not weird at all.” Maybe video game players should consider doing so as well.

  • I dunno, ‘game company commissions study to ask gamers to self-report about how gaming isn’t a waste of their time’?

    I’m in my mid 30s and have played video games my whole life. I also participate in some gaming communities online and my real-life friends are about 50/50 with regards to gaming. And if asked, yeah, I would probably self report that video games have had a positive impact on my life.

    But have they? I’m not qualified to say. I don’t have any actual data in front of me. I do know playing video games often makes me feel good, but I can say that about lots of unhealthy habits.

    Was pumping 150 hours into Tears of the Kingdom better for me than the couple weeks of workouts I skipped? Is it good that I drank more beer during that time than I normally would have?

    Would my life have been more or less improved if, instead of talking about video games online I had been practicing guitar and finding an open mic night to play at?

    Would it have been better for my mental health and hand-eye coordination instead of playing Elden Ring to have gone to Home Depot, bought some wood, and built the shelves I’ve been putting off building in the basement to ease some of our storage issues?

    If video games really were an unqualified good, would “my loser boyfriend stays up all night yelling into his headset about Overwatch/CoD/Fifa/Fortnite” be such a common stereotype?

    I’m not suggesting video games are bad (or even that the sometimes-unhealthy way I engage with them is bad), but I am suggesting that “gamers say gaming is good for them, actually” does not provide useful data for analysis or discussion.

  • As someone without an Xbox or a PC, Starfield has very much gotten me back into NMS. Loving the last couple of updates, especially as a PSVR2 player.

    I hope I get to play Starfield some day, cause it looks like a lot of fun, but it’s not a hardware seller for me. Probably some day I’ll pick up a gaming laptop or steamdeck or something and check it out along with the other PC games I’ve been missing for the past few years.

  • Yeah, it’s not for everyone a lot of folks prefer emulation on steam decks, anbernics, retroids, pis, etc.

    The things that drew me to Evercade are:

    • Licensed emulation. Lots of folks don’t care about this, but I’m happy to pay for my media when I can. In cases of indie/homebrew releases, devs get paid which is great. In cases of retro releases, rightsholders get paid which is sometimes just someone with a piece of paper saying they own a particular IP. Which is maybe less important than paying the people who directly made a thing, but in the way our society is structured, imo it’s also important to pay people willing to keep something commercially available as long as they aren’t trying to gouge you.
    • Curated library. I mean, part of this is just because not everyone will license to Blaze so they need to pick and choose. But back in college when my roommates and I built a mame machine, or later when I was emulating on a raspberry pi. I would mostly play the same handful of games over and over again. I love that I hadn’t heard of like 70% of the Evercade library and hadn’t played like 80% of games in the library until they came out on carts. So much discovery. I also love the fact that not all the games are all-time greats - average and below average games deserve a chance to be preserved, played, and loved as well.
    • The community. I probably should have listed this first because I’m not sure if I would have gotten as into Evercade if it weren’t for the community. The folks in the discord are great. Lots of really chill and knowledgeable folks to chat games with, a few colorful characters to keep things interesting, and Blaze themselves are pretty active and transparent in the chat which is really great to see. There’s a weekly games challenge (often but not always high score related) that one of the moderators runs that has lots of us playing the same games at the same time which is always fun.

    Anyway, definitely no judgement for you wanting to enjoy games the way you want - that you are enjoying them at all is the important part. Just wanted to share a little bit about how Evercade works for me for folks who may be curious.

  • I dunno. For someone just starting to want to think critically during discussions of when reading things, asking them to get serious in the academic pursuit of logic and argument theory might not be the way. For one, it’s probably just asking for them to get stalled in the sort of dunning kruger zone of identifying fallacies and stopping there.

    Especially when such behavior is already endemic to the internet and many platforms have feedback loops designed to reward this behavior. Just dunk on 'em and move on - watch the upvotes and retweets roll in.

    I definitely don’t want discourage OP from learning anything, but I do want to be careful in what direction we point a beginner.

    I think maybe learning to find good sources of information and verify claims might be a better first step. That doesn’t give OP any shortcuts I’m discussions, which is good. Then they may begin to notice different patterns or forms of discussion and at that point they can start to classify them and learn about them if they see fit.

  • Agreed. OP should be working on critical thinking skills in general and not specifically focusing on logical fallacies.

    Logical fallacies and argumentation theory in general certainly have their place. But unless you’re taking part in a debate club or otherwise getting really really deep into these topics, they may do you more harm than good in thinking critically and having productive discussions.

    The reddit (and, previously, slashdot) obsession with logical fallacies has been almost entirely as a way to prevent critical thinking and end discussion rather than promoting either.

  • Lmao yep that’s me. Couldn’t be that I just feel weird about copying around threads where people share pictures of their buttholes, ask for help escaping from abusive partners, or seek support on embracing their genders and sexualities without the permission of the original author. Reddit is more than just memes, video game tips, in-depth analyses on a variety of questions by historians and scientists, and celebrities advertising their newest ventures under the guise of AMAs. And therefore commensurate thought should be put into it before saying “yes this is all my information to do whatever I want with.”

    On a separate note, I stopped using Twitter in 2018 partially because I was tired of every single conversation jumping right to “Russian bot” accusations. Didn’t matter what your opinion was, if someone disagreed with it, you were a Russian bot sent to sew chaos and division. I’ve been happily on the fediverse since then and sincerely hope I’m not now in for a wave of seeing “are you employed by or otherwise affiliated with reddit or meta you have to answer or this is entrapment” bs.

  • Honestly it upsets me enough when I see people or bots mirroring new Reddit posts to fedi without the original author’s permission. A full archive - whether in the form of a torrent or a fedi instance - also makes me feel icky.

    I know it’s not possible and it’s entirely against reddit’s interests, but I wish there were a way for subreddits or people or posts to be marked somehow as not for copying or use elsewhere.

    It has always weirded me out when I found /r/relationships posts copy-pasted to like BuzzFeed knock-off sites. Then yesterday I saw and blocked a Lemmy bot mirroring like a dozen reddit subs (including gonewild) to its instance.

    It may be fine, good, and useful to archive like how-to content or technical support questions and stuff like that as there is a clear utility there. But seeing the more personal stuff that people might not want to see copied around or searchable makes me feel bad.

    Yes, yes I know it’s the internet and these people should know better and if they really want to opt out they should submit a request to the wayback machine and set a robotstxt plus there’s no way to stop it and we really really need all of this valuable information preserved for historical purposes and as we all know information wants to be free and you can’t stop the signal. And all the myriad excuses that the less well behaved digital preservationists will lean on.

    But at some point and in a lot of circumstances you’re copying people’s personal information and using it in ways they didn’t intend on when they posted it. I don’t know your personal opinion on the reports of reddit admins undeleting posts people have been deleting before they delete their accounts, but people who are upset about that should consider that “preserving” reddit data also takes away peoples’ agency over their data and their right to be forgotten in much the same way.