Uhh why you advocating for the internet to unalive itself?
Uhh why you advocating for the internet to unalive itself?
Yeah, someone should tell the guy at the bar checking IDs to piss off too. And what’s with these fucks at the pharmacy demanding to see my medical license. They shouldn’t be hassling me because someone else might be writing illegal scripts.
Fair enough. Not temps then.
It would not surprise me in the least to find out a big heatmonster like those X3D chips will hit throttling temps at idle if the CPU fans stop spinning. Probably within seconds of booting. Can you check the actual clock speeds of the cores at idle/load? See if you’re geting anywhere close to your 5.whatever ghz.
This one, any mention of temps is conspicuously absent. OP should check them immediately.
That smoke you see in the distance is actually steam rising from Japan’s numerous nuclear plants as they prepare for the incoming demand from the armada of fax machines about to be turned on at Nintendo’s lawyer’s offices.
and there’s always weird ass bugs and issues and a ton of involuntary learning involved
The issue is not that Linux is more or less buggy/difficult than Windows. It’s that you’re conditioned to already understand Windows’ bugginess/difficulty. I dual-booted for some of xp, all of 7 and much of 10. I found once I got comfortable enough with both, there were perhaps slighly fewer deep problems on Windows, but they were always much more difficult to rectify.
But I understand if you don’t want to take the time to get to that point, learning isn’t for everyone.
Zoomer tech literacy is on average almost as poor as their actual literacy.
This article opens in a way that makes it sound like Nintendo’s lawyers are the arbitors of what is and is not illegal and is therefore in desperate need of an edit.
Either way, I’m sure it’s helpful to emulator makers to know what Nintendo is looking for when it decides to take action or not.