It’s just a bunch of bots set up by the admin to post blogspam that literally noone is interested in. For those of us who follow /all it’s very noisy, and seems to be getting worse by the day.

Once blacklisting has been implemented this shouldn’t be a problem anymore, but would there be any objection to unlinking it until then?

  • Kinetix
    03 years ago

    I asked a couple of pointed questions, I’m not sure how it’s trying to shut down discussion. However, what I see is “I don’t like what’s going on here, it’s annoying me, somebody please do something!”, and then when you’ve been given the information on how little it actually affects everyone and how to avoid it, you want to throw your toys in the sandbox and run away.

    It seems pretty clear: a) the features you want are on the list of things to do, b) /c/all isn’t going to be the curated list of whatever you want it to be, and c) if want to curate your own Lemmy right now, you can always run your own instance. You stated your opinion. Great, move on, there’s not really any debate to be had that I can see. (Yes, that could well be viewed as trying to shut down “discussion”, as I don’t think there’s much really to be had now)

      13 years ago

      yeah I agree. I don’t entirely agree with glasgows methods but tbh I do tend to come to sites like these for updates and discussion, and having regular posts about on-topic things to my area would be really nice. this doesn’t create discussion unfortunately and thats why I personally don’t think this is 100% the way to go I do think its a valid option and there’s no reason to penalize it considering having different policies on this kind of the whole point of self hosting and federation anyways.

      • @glennsl@lemmy.mlOP
        3 years ago

        While I agree for the most part, I also think the point of federation is that connecting to other instances is voluntary. And I wouldn’t call not doing so “penalizing”. Instances will have different rules, and if one instance breaks the rules of another it will probably want to not connect to it. They’re free to manage their instance how they want, and that’s great, but so are other instances.

        In this case I just think it’s too early to have bots posting lots of very niche content, and a disconnect should just have been temporary. Fortunately it was resolved by just turning off most of the bots instead, which I think is probably better for everyone.

    • @glennsl@lemmy.mlOP
      13 years ago

      What is you point then, really? If not to shut down discussion. Is your point that no question should be raised unless one is already certain that the majority is one one’s side? Or are you just here to spread bile in general?

      There are clearly people who agree, or at least invite discussion. And perhaps more who disagree. Fine. But simply counting votes fall prey to survivorship bias. Those who vote are those who “survived”. Who haven’t already left or who might have joined but didn’t. If the aim is to grow, merely going by the opinion of those already here is a dead end.

      Perhaps you should take your own advice. If you don’t like this discussion, fine, move on. Goodbye.