
Edit: What Docsflow does is allowing InDesign to sync with the gdocs files.

Edit 2: in the end what I need is an online collaborative text tool (cross device) that I can link to a page layout program. Right now my workflow is Google Docs + Adobe InDesign.

Edit 3: Worked around it by using adding my project files to a OneDrive folder and editing the text files through Word online.

Edit 4: I think the open source solution would be having a nextcloud server syncing the .odt files linked in Scribus, but I will have to try to be sure. Thanks all!

  • jonunoOP
    3 years ago

    It allows to link Google Doc text files to InDesign. That way I could collaborate/edit on other devices a piece of text that is synched to that layout design editor. I can’t find that capability on Scribus, hence being using corporate software.

    Edit: I am now solving this by using a OneDrive folder that I can access the text files on mobile. I can then share the texts with my partner for her to have a look and I can link them to a layout file (right now using InDesign but making transition to Scribus).