I’m asking if there is a greatly moderated and curated Spotify-like Funkwhale instance, where only verified creators can upload songs, and with the respect of copyrighted content.

Why do I need one like this?

Because Spotify started to make my life harder, and they are not caring about me so much as well, only about my data. They block VPNs and stuff. I appreciate every help.

  • @ericbuijs@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    I can recommend this instance https://open.audio. It allows to upload 3Gb of libre audio or even upload your own non-libre audio. The latter as long as you use it personally and not share it publicly. The instance is well moderated and curated. Content wise it is of course nothing like Spotify because of the copyright restrictions. The instance currently has over 60.000 songs a far cry from the millions of songs on other platforms. Use cases for Funkwhale are either upload your own libre music, have your own music cloud or listen to more experimental music which can actually be a lot of fun. Lastly via RSS you can subscribe to podcasts.

    If you just want to listen to a large library of mostly non-free music Funkwhale isn’t a good option. Better turn to Bandcamp or even Soundcloud.