So I’ve been trying to find a text editor that’s blazing fast with as little features as possible that doesn’t look like it was designed in the '90s.

I would like something that when I click on my files it opens almost instantly and only displays text in a notepad without any buttons tools, or just the bare minimum (like create a new file or something like that). I want this to read .txt files and that’s it, if I’m working on a writing I’d use LibreOffice and if I’m writing some code I’d use Atom.

  • Helix 🧬B
    3 years ago

    You can try a few of these 1954 editors here:

    Or a few of these I listed here:

    I would like something that when I click on my files it opens almost instantly and only displays text in a notepad without any buttons tools, or just the bare minimum

    Mousepad is created for exactly that purpose, if you liked GTK. I think the Qt equivalent would be Featherpad.

    What desktop environment do you use? Kate is pretty fast on my system and it’s a full-blown IDE. The only super slow editors I know are Electron-based like Atom. Why not use vscodium instead of Atom btw? As far as I knew Atom got left behind a bit when Microsoft bought Github.