So, I completely switched to FOSS federated social networks toward the middle of 2020. I love the Fediverse, but nobody I know IRL seems to care at all about it in any capacity, so I’m basically just screaming into a void full of other FOSSheads. How do I reconcile this? How do we get our IRL peeps on the Fediverse?

    13 years ago

    Here’s a different answer from the one i already gave.

    It doesn’t matter. People who don’t need it, don’t use it. It’s not for people to start caring about it, it’s for the thing to make itself useful to them. If it’s useful for 1% of people, then 1% will use it and that’s fine. The others will keep using their existing tools

    • MobocraticEgoist
      43 years ago

      That is where we are right now, but it would be nice to have a full replacement for Facebook or Twitter. We will need the benefit of the network effect to move beyond a niche community. I would like to get to the point of using fediverse to connect to people IRL (and Jabber for instant messaging, etc.)

        23 years ago

        Okay so make this tool more useful to more people. I’m a believer that you need a “killer feature” really, something great that no other service has.

        For me that will be following/blocking people. So i can choose to only interact with the people i like to hear from.