I am struggling to decide what subjects I should pick for a-level (ap’s in the US), I habe loads of interests including computer programming, cyber-security, philosophy, politics, maths, siciology, psychology, music and film but I cannot pick just a few with the a-levels. I am already half way through one year of a-levels, doing engineering, maths and physics but I want to scrap thay and start again because I hate the subjects I picked. I dont think a-levels are for me but I have to do them, so what can I do about it?

  • flufficatOP
    33 years ago

    I think in the future I want to be doing something based in the humanities that actually will help people too; not all theory for example sociological research that could help communities with problems.

    I was actually thinking that since programming is more practical amd experienced based that it would be better to learn on the side as a hobby, because from what I have experienced a-levels are quite academic therefore I might pick subjecs that are academic at a-level and practical things I will teach myself.

    Thank you for the well structured reply :)