I found a way to use RSS over tor. since I don’t really know how rss works, this might be a good question since I had a problem opening links in rss when using a tor proxy. but I’m probably willing to give up that function if it gives me more privacy.

  • @Gwynne@lemmy.mlOP
    23 years ago

    I mean how does RSS actually work? I just wonder if RSS is anonymous by design or not, and whether I really have to use tor on top of it. I’m not an expert

      • @AlmaemberTheGreat@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        But the client doesn’t have to send any information (other than the GET request, that is) to the server, so it’s easy to anonymize.

        • @handvat@lemmy.ml
          33 years ago

          I suppose that’s why it’s likely more anonymous than visiting the website regularly with JavaScript enabled.

    • @UnreliantGiant@lemmy.ml
      33 years ago

      RSS is simply a URL that, when accessed, returns an XML file with the content. A RSS reader just polls this URL every x minutes and checks if there is new content. So the only possible tracking should be the IP address used to connect and maybe the connection times. It’s up to you to decide if using tor for this is overkill