• Travis Skaalgard
            53 years ago

            It didn’t get removed for dissent. It got removed for spreading harmful misinformation.

              • Kinetix
                33 years ago

                That’s not a credible source. If he were credible, why is he being disciplined for ethics violations?

                • @disrooter@lemmy.ml
                  -23 years ago

                  Didier Raoult is one of the scientists with the higher H-index of the world. The problem is not him, he provided studies as source of his statements and I provided the link.

                  The problem is people still blindly believe to everything the media says.

                  We have hundreds of scientists and doctors like him that spoke publicly against some mainstream statements and thousands of doctors that are treating Sars-Cov2 infections more or less how he said.

                  • Kinetix
                    43 years ago

                    Stop repeating yourself, I can see the nonsense you’ve already been trying to splatter elsewhere and you need to go get educated.

                    1. Shut up about the H-Index. It’s bogus, unless you think that this shady asshole is somehow a higher scientific rank than Einstein. https://theconversation.com/why-the-h-index-is-a-bogus-measure-of-academic-impact-141684

                    2. Like most conspiracy-theorists, you’ve grasped on to a couple of completely meaningless talking points and then point the finger at “THE MEDIA” when people start calling out your bullshit.

                    Just stop. It’s not the media, it’s you. You want to know why you’ve had comments removed?

              • @disrooter@lemmy.ml
                -43 years ago

                Yeah downvote because you don’t know what to reply when a name like Didier Raoult is mentioned, one of the scientists with the higher h-index of the world.