For me, it was the toxic circlejerk (admins/mods as well) low quality content getting upvoted while high quality submissions not getting much attention/buried and obvious privacy issues.

  • Jakob :lemmy:
    33 years ago

    I knew reddig just from search-results… never understood, what reddit is and want… sometimes i thought, reddit allows a kind of discussion, then i thought, reddig is a tool to collect bookmarks and let them rate and discuss about…

    I never understood, what reddit is. Once i tried to use it, but i wouldn’t register there… so i never used reddit.

    Then i found mastodon and pleroma and then the fediverse… and then i stumbled upon one hint to lemmy… and i just installed an instance… just to see, what is this… tried the federation (thanks that i’m allowed to federate with!!) and was fallen in love with lemmy…

    I’m construction a modell-railway scenery, and im active in a club for model railways… and i want to establish lemmy there as another kind of webforum to discuss our topics there, and not any more in siloed $MESSENGER (I was not very successful…:-( )

    so i decided to use lemmy for documentation for my modell-railway, for my gardening experiences, for my bicycle-live, for public transport documentation… and so on and publish the links to the postings to my other social media channels… to hope, someone else want share my passion for fediverse, open source and my interests too… i think it will take time to show people why lemmy and the fediverse is much better than their proprietary social-media prisons…