Seaspiracy, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm humans do to marine life and uncovers alarming global corruption.

Has this convinced you to stop eating fish?

    13 years ago

    All fish? I haven’t seen the film but I had understood that some species were sustainably caught. What were some of the arguments made?

    • @uthredii@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      Yes all fish.

      The film explains that the idea that some species can be sustainably fished is a lie because:

      1. It is essentially impossible to specifically catch one type of fish excluding all others. This is because nets do not disgriminate based on species, they catch everything. Sharks and dolphins are killed in huge numbers as collatoral when fishing for a ‘sustainable’ species.
      2. There are companies/non profits that allready do provide certification that the fish are caught ‘sustainably’. Unfortunatly there is virtually no oversight to ensure that endangered species are not killed so this certification is practically meaningless.
      3. Fishing is almost impossible to police because it happens in the middle of the sea/ocean away from oversight, this makes it extremely easy to get around what little regulations do exist.

      Additionally, parts of the fishing industry have been controlling anti plastic campaigns that focus on relatively inconsequential things. Plastic straws make up ~0.03% of plastic in the ocean. Infact, the majority of plastic in the ocean is from the fishing industry, whats more since fishing equipment is designed specifically to trap fish, it is much more harmful than plastic polution from other industries.

      This doesn’t even cover half of the nasty shit that is happening. Please watch the film, it explains this in much more better and in more detail than I will.

      43 years ago

      bruh imagine if I murdered you but sustainably 😳😳😳😳👉👈 jk jk


      • Dessalines
        53 years ago

        Hi, I’m a local-only, sustainable human meat farmer. Our grass-fed, free range humans enjoy a number of activities until the age of 9 ( the harvest age ), such as ball playing, swimming, and screen watching, and are well cared for. We promise to provide only the highest quality ethically raised human meats.