Seaspiracy, a filmmaker sets out to document the harm humans do to marine life and uncovers alarming global corruption.

Has this convinced you to stop eating fish?

    13 years ago

    They value animal life and believe that humans have no right to take them. They think that animals deserve a cruelty-free life, and that the methods that we use to consume them is cruel. When discussing sustainable practices, they make it clear that in their view there is no such thing as sustainable, because causing suffering is not acceptable. Their agenda is to save the animals from humans.

    I agree with their goal, but I am not the kind of person that thinks that the ends justify the means.

      23 years ago

      I haven’t seen it so I can’t comment on the claims it makes.

      But it’s kinda worrying that you think not being cruel to animals is an “agenda”

    • @uthredii@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      The documentary didn’t say “there is no such thing as sustainable, because causing suffering is not acceptable.”

      It said that the definition of sustainable can be stretched to the point of being meaningless and this is why it is used by politicians and interest groups so much.