In a surprise move, Ubuntu developers have agreed to stop shipping Flatpak, preinstalled Flatpak apps, and any plugins needed to install Flatpak apps through a GUI software tool in the default package set across all eight of Ubuntu’s official flavors, as of the upcoming Ubuntu 23.04 release.

    • @winnie@lemmy.mlOP
      181 year ago

      No, it’s not nice decision. It’s more political decision, to force Ubuntu’s own solution instead of alternative.

      (I’m wondering if you would be notified for reply in mastodon?)

    • PureTryOut
      310 months ago

      Wait, how did you view this post via Mastodon? I know both Lemmy and Mastodon use ActivityPub but the UX and urlpatterns are quite different and client-specific. What is the format of the link you used to view this?

        110 months ago

        I also demand answers. Should I be able to see Mastodon posts via my Lemmy/wefwef?

        • PureTryOut
          110 months ago

          I found out in the meantime. You can find communities from Lemmy on Mastodon using the @communityname@server pattern. So will find this community. On Mastodon it’ll appear as a user boosting every post (both top post and comments) and that way you can find individual comments.

          It isn’t great, the UX is clearly different and not made for each other, but it works and you can favourite or boost individual posts with it.