Question prompted by the fact that I can see a post from exploding-heads dot com, an instance I thought both Lemmygrad and have blocked:

So I check the allowed/blocked instances list to see whether it’s still there, and the entire blocked list seems to be gone on both instances:

  • Ada
    61 year ago

    The blocklist moved from a config file to the database, but as far as I can tell, it wasn’t imported. You need to manually set it up again, though you can now do that via the UI

    • @nour@lemmygrad.mlOP
      61 year ago

      You need to manually set it up again

      The instance admin needs to set it up, right? Tagging, as this seems quite important of an issue to address. Wouldn’t want the troll raids to happen again if all these instances are accidentally unblocked now.

  • Amicese
    01 year ago

    I’m real suspicious of the delay in fixing this issue…