There's a disconnect between critiques of Telegram and its practical use that have made me uneasy about joining technical pile-ons around how it's not really encrypted messaging. Let me use the example of Telegram use in the Hong Kong protests
Telegram non-encrypted conversations are nowadays comparable to Skype. Now, reread the above, substituting “Telegram” with “Skype” and you’ll see the problem. If somebody calls you, all phones with your telegram account will keep ringing after you take the call. This is why you should move to signal, it is safer and less annoying for now.
Telegram non-encrypted conversations are nowadays comparable to Skype. Now, reread the above, substituting “Telegram” with “Skype” and you’ll see the problem. If somebody calls you, all phones with your telegram account will keep ringing after you take the call. This is why you should move to signal, it is safer and less annoying for now.