
If we don’t want to set rules against lies and propaganda, can we at least mark it as a “controversial community” so that it stays out of most feeds? Thanks.

  • @SloppilyFloss@lemmy.ml
    93 years ago

    Are you expecting a community about China to be dedicated to shit-talking China or something? This isn’t Reddit. People sent you some great links in the comments of that last post. I suggest you unlearn everything you think you know about China, read the links, and learn about China from a non-Western perspective.

    • @Orphie@lemmy.mlOP
      23 years ago

      I don’t know, people in the US-- even many people who consider themselves patriots-- are just fine shit-talking the US, shit-talking capitalism, shit-talking the political party system, shit-talking prison slavery and Guantanamo Bay. Every time I try to talk about Chinese censorship and injustices on that community though, they deny them or pretend I didn’t say anything.

      Nationalism is absolutely stupid and everyone needs to stop doing it.

      • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        Every time I try to talk about Chinese censorship and injustices on that community though, they deny them or pretend I didn’t say anything.

        Because you didn’t back up your claims at all, whereas other people replied to you with links that break down what you say as untrue yet you still keep saying them.

        Nationalism is absolutely stupid and everyone needs to stop doing it.

        Correct, that’s why most people here aren’t nationalist, and we certainly don’t welcome nationalists.

    • @sickstraw@lemmy.ml
      -23 years ago

      I am learning about concentration camps from a non-Western perspective and it still seems like cultural genocide to me :(

  • @xe8@lemmy.ml
    73 years ago

    There’s plenty you could post about China’s history, language, people, food, art, landscape, etc. if you don’t like what you see.

    It seems like many people who claim to be critical of both the US and China are much more critical of China, and are also more likely to make generalizations about China, and Chinese people when they can more easily make distinctions about the US and American people.

    If you’re actually equally critical of the US, Canada, Australia, etc. then you should be just as vocal about PRISM, ICE, treatment of asylum seekers, wage slavery, police, prisons, and so on.

    • @Orphie@lemmy.mlOP
      3 years ago

      I mentioned ICE at least twice and US slavery and prisons at least three times when I told people here I am not giving the US special treatment. But people here are not making good faith arguments. I just got banned from !china@lemmy.ml too.

      Also I wasn’t complaining about random posts, but about the propaganda in the article about the BBC claiming British people are terrible liars and that Chinese people aren’t, and that they “don’t do things for censorship reasons”.

      • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        But people here are not making good faith arguments.

        Jeez, what do you even consider a good faith argument? Almost everyone refuting your backed up their claims with sources in the thread that caused your ban

        Also I wasn’t complaining about random posts, but about the propaganda in the article about the BBC claiming British people are terrible liars and that Chinese people aren’t, and that they “don’t do things for censorship reasons”.

        I’m guessing you thought the UK ban of CGTN was justified then. If so, that’s just hypocritical.

        • ghost_laptop
          43 years ago

          Also the article does not say that British people are liars, in any case British capitalists (as capitalists of any country) are liars to make people follow their narratives.

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    In people’s rebuttals against your comments, they posted links that refuted what you claimed, yet you still keep pushing the same disinformation (proof: link to the thread in question).

    Here are some more links, curated by @dessalines@lemmy.ml, with responses to most anti-China arguments: https://github.com/dessalines/essays/blob/763d8e72e0309a4ce787a47ab7edfc03b0687392/socialism_faq.md#on-mao-maoism-and-marxism-leninism-maoism-and-the-prc

    • @Orphie@lemmy.mlOP
      -13 years ago

      Every link I’ve manually tried to click on, the content had been removed. For example “What’s going on with the Uyghurs / Xinjiang province?”

      • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        What? I just clicked every link on the Xinjiang section and the majority of them work fine.

        In any case, use archive.org to look at the removed posts. If the posts were on Reddit or some other social media, yeah, they do that to things that don’t suit their capitalist and US supremacist narrative.

    • poVoq
      3 years ago

      “Almost everyone” is probably overstating it (for the main instance at least). There are also quite a few anarchists (like me) that mostly disagree with the CCP propaganda but also don’t buy into the “tankie” meme about Lemmy. Just don’t subscribe to the CCP circle-jerk and you will be fine ;)