This might not be the best community for this, but I don’t know what job I want after high school. I’m afraid of pursuing a job that I’ll end up hating. How do I figure out what job I want when I grow up?

    1 year ago


    The cross-section of…

    • what you love
    • what you are good at
    • what the world needs
    • what you can be paid for.

    In other words, the area where Mission, Passion, Profession, and Vocation overlap.
    There is a book that was quite popular about it by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia. Might be worth looking into it.

    But beyond that…it’s hard, bro! It’s not the romantic thing you want to hear at your age, but I think the amount of people who really achieve this ideal, and manage to build a life around a profession that gives you positivity in all dimensions, are rare. Most of us are content with something that does not have a negative impact on us and pays the bills. And the truth is, it almost surely changes over the course of your life.

    Try out a lot of things. You will find things that you enjoy and that you are good at. Then continue in that direction.

      1 year ago

      And what’s worse ? It will most likely change overtime…

      If you don’t know how to get started, try something you’re curious about, that will offer possibilities to learn and see how it goes, don’t worry about it and keep in mind that it might be that interest that leads you to other jobs later as long as you’re willing to learn and not stuck in a dead end job.