That I may be autistic. Literally had a friend of 10+ years who works with nonverbal pre-K kiddies with autism say to me “You know you’re autistic, right?” So I started taking some tests online and reading some books and stuff, and dang, that would make a lot of sense. Not sure if I want to try and seek an official diagnosis as it is apparently pretty difficult to access in my area. But as an AFAB elder millennial who has struggled my entire life with making friends, interacting socially, and progressing in careers it is really freaking interesting to maybe finally have a reason for that.
ETA that I have spoken to my therapist about this at length and she has casually agreed that I may meet a lot of the criteria and we are spending a lot of time breaking this all down. I’m very fortunate to have the access to mental healthcare that I do have.
I don’t like people. Majority of people are exhausting and downright annoying to be around. Whether is commuting and being cut off by them, small talk in a doctors office, or family gatherings for holidays. They all just exhaust me and I can’t wait to get back to my cats. Honestly, my fiancé is the only person that doesn’t make me feel this way as of late.
I am not nice, and 25 years of trying to be nice hasn’t really changed that.
That if I reach out for help before things get bad, they don’t get as bad for as long, and that it makes people happy that I reached out.
I’m not a burden, I’m a person.
I’m not a burden, I’m a person.
Oh man. I FEEL this one. Personally still working on it, but it’s getting a little easier.
That keeping in touch with people gives me anxiety and I don’t know why. Even calling my family once in a while feels like such a battle. I haven’t seen one of my sisters in 10 years, and I love her with absolutely no bad feelings! But for some reason it’s so difficult for me to have frequent contact with them
Very sadly same. I have struggled so hard to maintain friendships and family connections throughout my life and am fortunate to have finally found some friends who are patient and persistent enough to basically force me to keep in touch with them, but don’t take it personally if I vanish for 6 months without a word. I’m just much happier on my own with my cats, plants, hobbies, and partner and don’t even actually remember other people exist a lot of the time.
The older I get, the more I want to be honest with people (without being a dick about it) and have them be more honest with me (ditto, non-dickishness).
Being married, I find that, in order to not be a dick, sometimes just letting it go is better than honestly. I’ve learned that, even if my SO did something incredibly stupid, I don’t have to call everything out unless it’s affecting our lives negatively.
Spouses can have a little stupid, as a treat.
Gently and memorably put. My smile for the day.
I am immune to a lot of anaesthetics and painkillers. This was figured out after surgery.
If you have red hair, that might be the reason.
Nope. Lots of gray, no red.
Yep. Changing my prescription today.
I am way better at everything I like to do since I stopped drinking all the time!
If you had asked me 2 years ago I would have said a couple of drinks makes everything easier lol
Absolutely. I gave up drinking 2 years as well. I’m a better artist, musician, employee, husband, and father. Alcohol just sucks.
I would have sworn to you that I couldn’t play guitar well without 2 bourbon and cokes first lol
Now I’m learning new techniques I would have considered to be way too difficult before!
I am extremely mentally resilient… don’t get me wrong, I’m struggling, but I’ve been struggling for 10 years now, and I’ve gotten so used to the extreme stress of some various personal things I can’t talk about, and being in limbo for ever for very important, life-changing (for the worst) events…
I’m here, I’m managing, and… no, I’m flourishing. The last year, became a Christian, started playing guitar, photography, collecting watches… I’ve done so well despite being under the pressure that I am…
Would love to talk about it all, but I really, really, cannot…
That I prefer PlayStation over Xbox. I ended up playing the Killzone, Resistance, and inFamous series as well as Red Dead Redemption on a PS3 and I really liked the dashboard and trophy system. I even got used to the controller. I was a die hard Xbox 360 guy in high school but I think that was mostly because it’s what my friends were using.
It does help consoles modding seems to be easier on the PlayStation side of things.
I love from connection, not attraction. I haven’t had any crushes of the sort in my life. Now with this one girl it has clicked. We just started talking and I just have grown more atracted to her the more we have talked.
I am confident in my knowledge but I lied about my drafting skills when I got hired and it turns out I’m a lot better at CAD than the majority of my coworkers. The people who trained me are EXPERTS so I assumed everyone at my company was just as skilled as them…nope, people submit some real shitty drawings and have no problem putting their name on it. They’ve got me beat with technical knowledge but I’m the guy who makes the cleanest diagrams.
As someone who was educated on the technical side but had to do drafting and was shit at both, I still think they are just totally different skillets and designers should be allowed to design scribble or whatever and people who are good at drafting should get a raise.
That now that their is a family behind me, I am scared to change jobs even though its long overdue and I am burnt.
That reason I am angry so often is because I have anxiety.
Now this may be because I am oldish. But I grew up in world where anxiety and depression. all those things luckily existed but where associated with sadness or apathy.
So a lot of situations where I got anxiety, for example to be late or risk of asking stupid question I became really angry.
Making it extremely hard for people to deal with me because of the association was not something that was naturally occurring for people.
So last year I found an article about it and it honestly changed my life. I still get angry but now I can actually try healthy coping mechanisms instead of fighting anything.
Do you by chance have a link to the article? I relate to your comment a lot so I might be in a similar situation
I think I’m a really unreliable narrator. Some of the stuff I say about myself just turns out to be untrue, particularly as it pertains to likes, dislikes, and my comfort zone. I don’t know myself as good as I should, and really need to learn more
Parental gaslighting/manipulation can distort the child’s ability to understand their own emotions, preferences, etc. I’m 50-something and just coming to grips with it. Hopefully you are younger and can work it out with fewer self-sabotaged careers and relationships than I have in my past :-(
I thought that for a long time of my life. Turns out, all of my childhood my feelings, my likes and my dislikes were all invalidated constantly by everyone around me. Which lead me to have no idea who I was or what I wanted.
Not saying that’s the same case for you but, might be time to do some inner work.
Man, I feel this. We weren’t allowed to be ourselves, so I’m still figuring myself out. I think I’ve made some progress, but it’s gonna take some time.
It definitely takes time and that’s ok.