
  • Cam@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Personally antivirus is more of a scam these days. If your using Linux, Android, MacOS or iOS your fine. Maybe you can benefit a little bit with one on Windows.

    Just have good security practice. Do not go to sketchy sites, do not download sketchy files and especially do not install and run sketchy things. And do not weaken the built in security of your system like disabling the firewall for example.

    In the 1990s, 2000s and early 2010s there was a case for antivirus but computers have come a long way since then.

    Besides anti virus programs are mostly closed source and have full access to your device. Allowing them to scan your files and many of these products probabily work with three letter intellegence agencies all across the world to collect data from consumers of these anti virus products.

    There has been some rumors that anti virus companies have created malware and released it to the world to drive up sales and demand for their products.