You were a good bot, RemindMe. I want you to remember that.
!RemindMe to think of you. Good bot.
uhhh… context pls?
Has anyone checked on epoxy hot dog guy?!
In retrospect those were ridiculously optimistic
Oh man, this bums me out.
Kind of sad if you think about it… After my heart attack and open heart surgery, I had considered setting up a bot to randomly send an /r/aww or /r/funny link to my wife every day after I die. Glad I didn’t now. :(
Glad you’re feeling better! Check out to send emails to the future. I believe whichever email address you send to needs to confirm that it’s ok, but then you can send emails years into the future. I’ve been using it since 2010 or so and trying to write a letter to myself every year that I’ll receive on my 50th bday. Sometimes my wife and I also write each other one too.
It’s about time that people understood that “Everything on the internet lasts forever” is a falsehood formed from a Web 2.0 mindset. Now those big Web 2.0 sites everyone thought would dominate the internet forever are dying, and the only thing saving what was on those websites (the internet archive) is being constantly sued by greedy publishers.
Does the bot used the API to send the message? In that case not even a couple of months alerts are going to work.
I think I remember seeing Reddit’s comment somewhere that remindme bot will keep working.
Like shadows burned on the sides of buildings in Hiroshima
Wow, what a coincidence. I was just there for in the museum for the first (and probably only) time in life and the next moment I open Lemmy, I read this.
Probably one of the few useful bots ever added to Reddit.
We didn’t need a million and one spelling, grammar and whatever other stupid bots the place got infected with. Hopefully Lemmy doesn’t end up with them either.
Personally, I think the grammar bots fit right into Reddit culture.
Everyone is a smarty-pants on Reddit!
I do hope that people respect the instance hosts and go easy on the trivial bots when it comes to Lemmy though.
Awww, man.
Now I’m sad.
Thanks a lot, @orion2145. Not cool.
I’m right there with you. Can’t unthink it.
It was sort of ambitious for people to think they’d be on reddit with the same account in 20 years
I don’t think so, reddit was so dominant that had they simply not decided to anger all their power users, we’d all still be on there like nothing had changed. A good platform has staying power, I’ve been on Steam for 16 years and I have no plans of bailing on it because it’s simply the best gaming platform I’ve ever used. It’s not game lock-in or anything, most of my games I could buy elsewhere or pirate, I just like having the features and all these other ones popping up like GOG Galaxy still aren’t overtaking it despite the good PR.
Yahoo answers held on for decades after it was relevant, I’m sure Reddit will be around in 15 years.
Sadly, Remindbot will be reminding a ghost town populated only by other bots
Even Digg is still around these days